Hello, new to this site! Last night I had a total colectomy. I have had UC for 11 years now and am 23 years old. The medicines don't work on me any longer and my colon was severe with colitis. After my last colonoscopy in august my doctor removed 7 polyps and took biopsies, none we're cancerous. After this I could t stop bleeding due to how inflamed colon was and had to have a hemostatic clip surgery to prevent further bleeding. This outpatient colonoscopy ended up in a week stay. This was the breaking point for me. I was curios what to expect after surgery and any tips anyone may have , in December I will get my J pouch in 4-6 weeks. Until then I have the bag. Also what to expect when they take my catheter out ?! lol �� Any advice is appreciated. I'm a male.
Thanks ,