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Keep moving and massage your stomach if you can without causing further pain. You might be able to pass the blockage on your own. Don’t strain or push, whatever you do. Just let it move through your guts on its own if possible. If you can’t keep anything down, and if you’re throwing up, go back to the ER. They might put an NG tube into your nose and down your throat into your stomach to vacuum out your stomach contents and you will feel much, much better. I had a blockage with severe adhesions and twisted guts in September and it required surgery, and the NG tube. Try not to stress on it. Stress ties up your stomach in knots. Walk, move around. You might feel a “pop” in your tummy, and then hopefully a short time later you will experience loose stool and it will all come out. However, if you have pain or vomiting, go to the ER. You’ll have a long, long wait in the waiting room but at least you will be in a medical facility where help will be instant if you get worse. Don’t eat nuts or seeds or anything that does not break down. Nuts are insoluble and do not break down at all. Same as mushrooms. Google soluble and insoluble food to see what J pouchers can safely eat. Good luck to you.

Thank you everyone. I do believe it was the nuts that wouldn't pass. Cat Scan showed no blockage although ER doc thought it may be early. Ended up having 2 thick bowel movements and then 2 not so thick within 30 minutes so I was sure it passed. I came home Friday afternoon and have stayed on all liquid diet because I am nervous to eat but also still feel sensation in the tummy....I think just my intestine is still swollen from the inflammation is what I am thinking. Today is Day 4 of all liquid so plan to incorporate some applesauce today and crackers. Thanks for your support.

Chili, try to resume your regular meals as soon as you safely can. Don’t be afraid to eat, and make sure you get your proper nutrition. I stopped eating properly for three months after I had twisted guts and emergency open surgery. I was afraid to eat anything tougher than macaroni and cheese with a morsel of chicken, and jello. I gave up all vegetables, meat, eggs, protein. At the three month mark, my hair started to fall out. I was under such stress with family matters and trying to avoid blockages that my system was malnourished and under attack. I quickly resumed my normal meals: well cooked broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, eggs, chicken, salmon, cod, hard cheese and sour dough bread. I have not had any further blockages since October. Try to choose SOLUBLE foods and avoid things that do not break down (like nuts and seeds and grains!).  Remember to chew everything carefully and thoroughly (especially meat), and drink lots of water / fluids.

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