I had to go back an review what I had said in my other posts. I did not say that the Remicade wasn't working, but that it may not be working for you. It all depends on what sort of arthritis you have. Ideally, the biologic you are on should take care of both your IBD and your arthritis. Of course, if your arthritis is not the inflammatory type (such as osteo), then biologics would not be the treatment.
But, from what you describe, you definitely have something going on. Maybe it is from cipro overuse. I don't know. But, with the flaring joint symptoms, something is up and that is why I suggested reevaluation of your meds. With Remicade, there is a high probability of forming antibodies against it over time, because it is based on mouse protein.
It is possible that the lack of GI disease activity is due to the Cipro and not the Remicade.
Not a simple thing to sort out.