Well, I wrote a small post( actually nothing I write is ever small, even my replies to topics ) a ehh 6 weeks ago, about a possible hernia or no hernia. Been to different docs....and the answer....I still don't know. Before I talk and recant a little..I want to snag on my title...Do you J pouch?- Sorry I had to, it's not making fun nor light of any situation, but we need a catch phrase gosh.....With Jersey shore saying, are you DTF.( just remember that show was famous..4 years ago )..and people asking " Are you mad Bro."....All these new sayings....come on. Well the title sure fits my situation. How about yours?
So as with all things, comes a time, a light bulb moment if you will, where we can reflect. Ever have a time in your life, where you thought at that moment, that your life was horrible... but...time goes bye you look back and go...D#### I wish I was there? Almost as if you didn't realize how good you had it, even admist the chaos that coveted your life at that moment or "Circa" time of your life. I know #MyPartyLife2011-2014....to cover up real issues...#2015yousuck. See in 2011-2014 I thought I had it bad, and well I did. If I could spin back a clock, I would go back to that said Circa in time. Now your probably wondering....Where does the Jpouch come in? Hold on...I was trying to see how many times I could write Circa...geeze. No, really I digress, ever have that moment though?
During the last 10 years I have been living with an ileostomy. Oh snap( see another catch phrase..see so I will use do you J pouch ) he might actually be getting to the issue. So for the last 10, well I almost forgot 2015 bc it did sucked...so 11 years, with an ileostomy. I can never say, in this time, admittingly, I ever got "Use" to it. I mean you do....but not entirely. During this time, it took me 4 years to get back into the gym...to find a routine that could build great muscle mass, without causing trauma to abdominals. Also, that natural fear of something happening in the gym. Let me just say, you can do it. Movements with over 700lbs with legs, and yes you can bench over 245 for reps. So I grew this new body....far cry from 129lbs I was. However.....I went back to school, got a degree, just to save classes from dropping out of college do to illness. However, I was like a hamster in a hamster wheel, my brain always working, when to eat this, when to train that...if I take a shower now, will my paste fall off, or can I just duck tape this together, and take a shower tomorrow.....to just have the bag explode on me at night....so I would have to take a shower anyway. Dating....well for a guy we just can't throw on a dress( ok, I am not Katlynn or Bruce Jenner )....however, I found unique ways around things. True story most women didn't even know I had this, until.....sorry what you were about to read was going to be x rated ..skip..but you get the picture, and if you didn't you now do because I pointed it out. It's kind of crazy but give a person a problem and a few instruments to work with.....also give them a ton of time, they become Macgyver. Ok if I was bashing Jersey Shore for being famous 4 years ago, a Macgyver name drop looks bad. How about, if you give a person time, a few instruments, with a problem....they become a magician. They will find ways to hide things, give an illusion, but at the end of the day....some of us are still just really wearing masks, even sometimes to hide our true selves. So as I write this, I am writing from someone who had this happen young. So, I didn't have a "Soul mate" or was married, and zero kids. I didn't have a support system, well what most deem one, and I had yet to barely begin college. I say that because I think it plays a huge role. So if you do find yourself in a bad .....here it goes..."Circa " period of time, but have those things in place.....don't dislike your life now, live it to the fullest as you never know when you might have a moment when you wish you were at, where you are at now. Did that even make sense? Whew....Now to the question...Do you J pouch?
See I was dealing with the inner Magician in me after I learned the ropes, or bag. What not to wear, what angle in the mirror does it stand out. Some parts of your life move on. You might realize eating almonds is great for you, some might not. However, I can say....this magician was wearing a mask. See what I forgot to tell you in my" Do you J pouch", is that for 10 of those 11 years I have been putting off J pouch surgery. It is an option. It is a strong option. During some of those years, I dealt with a lot, dating, etc.....However, I was tormented. So, I would go out and started to socialize a lot more and drink. I mean no one knew of my bag nor hard life because, I was a magician after all...give me 6 years and I can put on an act and show you tricks, but I am still wearing a mask. Even with a new found physique, 207 lbs.....Yes I am only 5ft.8- with shoes, so I was pocket hercules....and yes that did lead into dating more. Also, I got so good at hiding, that no one would ever guessed or knew until.....x-rated( skip ). During this time, I was in tourment....I just wanted more, a more specified education, had a couple med schools bock at me because of physical...then I went back to those same schools when I got a physique....almost like a double blind study, and those same schools that would have denied me, would let me in. Mind you my grades never changed. Now this is going to sound vanity driven, it's not. Isn't interesting though, how things changed like that. At that time, I was wearing a mask. Now, as of 2016, I am writing .....and all those things good I pointed out, I couldn't see....remember that circa talk. Now, I kind of want to be back to that.
Now the real point, I have a possible hernia. I say that bc there ae complete mix reviews. Literally had a surgeon look at a C.T. access my stoma, stick fingers in it, press around the " Maybe " hernia region, and say No. There is nothing. My abdominal wall is not weak, and that actually I have the opposite of a hernia, wee my skin is tight around the stoma, that there was some narrowing. Then I had a complete reverse opinion.....That I did indeed have a hernia. Now most might ask me, did all this happen while weight training? No. Actually I stopped training for Months, and had a partial blockage....this was after I stopped training for months. Weird how things happen. I really have been in the most sedentary state in years....However, my life kind of went down hill, other issues. Now, understand the word hernia for me....is huge. See my lifestyle, and also where I wan it to be. So, there does come a time where we reflect. Even after all the things I indulged in tourment wise with the ileostomy, I would go back to those times.....bc I didn't see some of the good. However, I do see someone, and there might be a chance, that I may be opting for a Jpouch. I never went for one because the people I did talk to...had bad results. Idk if it was bad luck, but out of 6 people I talked to....4 were doing bad. Then you go online and read....and boom.....you go through tons of circas....and now, depending on results, I might have a reverse. I wanted to gather your experiences, if you have them, share them...let me know how your J pouch went. Oh and trust me, I would go back to when I had to pull all the magician and when I thought I was not great off. Even behind all the people trying to date me based on Vanity, and me not fully addressing issues...I would go back. So appreciate certain moments, if you have a support group, already have kids, education....even though you might be in a bad Circa, or time in your life, you don't want to look back at that....However, some of us are here and it is now. So do you j Pouch?.......