Hey all,
I need your honest opinions about Humira. I've read almost every post already in the forums, but I'm still wanting more opinions. After 10+ years on Flagyl for chronic pouchitis, my diagnosis was changed to Crohn's like so many other people I've heard about. My doc based this on involvement in the small bowel and blood test (Prometheus I think?), but he's suggesting biologics, which seem like a huge step up from just antibiotics.
In January I had a major flare up that required prednisone (was totally off Flagyl for a couple of weeks). I am still having issues with joint pain and feel like I'm in an almost-flared state, so I don't think antibiotics totally control my symptoms anymore. But I also don't know if I want the risks that come with biologics. I'm considering Humira because it seems to be a favorite of many. But do I really want to risk getting lymphoma? I also work in a school and if my immune system is depressed, I'm afraid I'll catch every bug the kids (and adults) bring in.
I'm just getting frantic for advice because I have an appointment next week and it's decision time. Thanks in advance for any feedback you have, especially those of you who have tried Humira and/or have a Crohn's diagnosis after you got your j-pouch.
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