Hey All,
To quickly summarize, I've been having on-again, off-again stomach/abdominal pain since late August (I posted a few times about it). No increase in BMs, no blood...just aches & pains, cramps, bloating, etc. Saw my surgeon, went for scans of pouch and everything came back ok (great actually). Pouchitis was ruled out. Surgeon wanted me to see a "high quality" GI (as in no insurance), as I've only been seeing surgeon since surgery. I chose to start with a local GI. Decided to treat for SIBO based on symptoms. Didn't help much. We did breath test for SIBO and it came back 'borderline' positive, which isn't overwhelming me. I agreed to the standard treatment again + flagyl, but I am pretty sure it's not going to fix whatever the issue is. Its been a frustrating cycle of few OK days followed by a longer painful stretch. Haven't been able to link it to any specific food/substance, and am seeing a nutritionist. I've been scouring the internet for any info that might lead me in a new direction. After 10+ relatively symptom free years w/J-pouch, I'm again frustrated to my wit's end - which is even more frustrating.
I'm debating the "high quality" GI route again, as the local GI wants to scope me but hasn't wowed me and I'm a bit nervous with this j-pouch experience.
Any other ideas or areas for me to explore?