Also consider this will likely be a trial and error process. Story of our lives in here!
For instance, I have the same issues you do. I recently started a very consistent regimine of immodium (2 tabs/3x's per day) and GasX (2 capsules/2x's per day). I have to play with the immodium dosage as sometimes 3 times is too much, sometimes 2 times is not enough.
For me, Metamucil is a nightmare. It does wonders for some people but, for me, it causes cramping, urgency and tons to bathroom trips.
I also use a low carb diet and discovered, accidentally, that it significantly decreased my bloating and urgency. I started this as a weight loss plan, but learned I simply feel much better without "white carbs". I do eat whole wheat so I am not missing out on the joy of breads and pasta.

I've seen a few other people post in here about it, too. I have also read that a low carb diet reduces bloating for people....not just us digestive-challenged folks. Therefore, I do believe there is something to it.
You probably should also look into blood work to check for deficiencies. Add vitamin and mineral supplements, as needed. You might also consider the more easily absorbed multivitamin Forvia that is specifically for people with digestive/absorption issues. There are tons of posts in here about it if you search on Forvia. And here's the link to the company's online site: I will say I have not tried it myself yet, but I will be ordering it shortly. I'm new here, too, so I just learned about it recently.
I hope you find some relief soon. There is hope and the folks in here are an incredible resource. Welcome and good luck!