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Hey guys,

I'm 4 days post takedown and it seemed like everything went alright during the surgery, but after a day NPO, a day of liquids and a day of solids I had an obstruction and got an NG tube. It's out now and I'm passing stool regularly (all liquid but I'll take it) but I haven't been able to pass gas since before the obstruction. Even then, it was irregular and not enough to actually provide relief.

Does anyone have advice for encouraging gas to move? I've been walking around as much as I can manage and when I go to the restroom I bend over, touching my toes and leaning on a chair to try to get into a position where the gas will slip out. It helps move stool but no luck with gas so far. Also tried lying on my side and on my stomach, to no avail. The gas is building up in my stomach quite painfully and I'm worried that if it can't pass I'm going to have the ng tube again. Would appreciate some advice.

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Everything is now passing through a long and much narrower tube. Gas, mixed with liquid and solid poop is all competing for a way out of the pipeline. So help the gas find it's way to the light, as long as things are not too solid, it will work its way to freedom. Lie down on a "flat surface", I only use the floor, and roll from one side to the other, pausing long enough to allow the gas to move. You can hear and/or feel it working it's way down and out. With a little push, it's gone. I do this every night before bed, even if I don't feel gassy. It helps reduce the accidents dramatically and I'm able to sleep through the night 95% of the time. Good Luck, Jeff

One day, while sitting on the toilet soon after takedown, I found I had to cough hard.  Lo and behold, out came effluent followed by a whoosh of explosive gas. I want to expel gas and don't seem to be able to do so easily, I sit on the toilet (knees kind of bent toward chest) and cough as hard as I can.  Works for me!

Have done all those things - roll on the floor, get on one side or the other and sort of push around on my abdomen - yes, laughing...and toe touching.  I found through time it got much easier.  Would get into whatever weird position to make to pass.  If you can't get it to and have to go in for ng tube, (easy to say) but try not to panic.  I went through that a couple times and eventually it worked itself out.  Once they went in and removed a bunch of adhesions and put something in there - I forget what it was - some kind of cloth coating?  - years ago - and that time the adhesions really did get better.  So, we are with you and it will get better.  Hopefully, with just lots of walking and doing whatever it takes to make it happen at home. 

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