While I was on it and earlier in the month since discontinuing it, I had virtually no leakage. Gradually I am seeing more leakage.
Increased trips to the bathroom are mostly to clean up small leakage, not so much to empty.
I am not having the cramping, urgency, on going butt burn or involuntary loss of muscle control I had when I had pouchitis.
Well, there has been a time here and there with cramping but I've attributed it to gas, something I ate or our vacation across country last week. Minor butt burn when these things happen, but it passes.
I am trying to sit and watch it for a bit, esp since I was in flare for so many years..."Normal" for me may take some time to relearn. Plus there is the issue that I likely have some muscle damage/compromised control from a tear during child birth.
At the same time, I do NOT want symptoms to get away from me.
I currently take Culturelle (VSL was not approved), Gas X and Immodium.
Any thoughts?