CT, glad you are at home resting. Don't stress, your levels should straighten out. I assume they saved your parathyroids, thus the calcium checks -- and those little buggers will keep on working. Try to have patience while the synthroid is adjusted. The isotope therapy works really well, and you should be good as new in no time. (Assuming the most common type of thyroid CA.) One day at a time -- you will have to let us know if your preoperative prediction of being down for 3 days before you are back at the grind comes to fruition.
I appreciate your reply. I can see now another reason why my thyroid levels are all over the place. I have had many problems with my j-pouch and it has been particularly erratic of late as my pouchitis has progressed. It's not under control with antibiotics, soft diet and all. No wonder it was so high in February when I was at Mayo getting a balloon dilation of the efferent limb. The contrast x-ray also revealed that my entire pouch was inflamed. It tested at 19.8 and 3 days later back home at almost 12, an 8 point difference in 3 days. I trust Mayo's lab. It's a see saw. My GI says I need to get my thyroid under control and that will improve my pouch problems. It looks like my pouch is affecting my thyroid function.
Thanks for letting me post about my problems CTB. I'm very ill and scared.
My endocrinologist told me the pathology on all my labs hasn't come back yet and he wants to see those before making any adjustments in the synthroid and the isotope treatment regimen which will be coming in around 6 weeks.
The parathyroids are not removed (at least not intentionally), even with a total thyroidectomy. They are separate glands. But, they can be traumatized during the dissection, so that is why they need to monitor your calcium levels (important for nerve conduction, muscle function and heart function).
Yes. Much more difficult to live without parathyroids than the thyroid!
Finally a plus to having to get up each night about 2:30 a.m. to empty my J-pouch.......I take my Synthroid medication at that time!
2 Am guess we all have about the same time
So I am going to have to get up early to take synthroid so I can eat breakfast at my normal time? If I eat breakfast at 7 am I need to be up at 5 am to take the synthroid?
Doesn't have to be two hours before you eat just on an empty stomach. So if your stomach is empty at midnight take it then.
2 hours before any other medications or food, per my new endocrinologist. Plus she said to take it at the same time daily. I think the 2 am suggested times are great ideas I have to take my PPI and wait a while before eating so I have a 3 hour before food issue. I have an alarm pillbox but sleep through the alarms. I have it set for the thyroid med, then GERD and the at 4 hours after the thyroid time to take vitamins and a 4th time for my mid afternoon medications.
I sleep through the alarms so now have my cell phone alarms going off too. I am a professional sick person and hate it!
Doesn't have to be two hours before you eat just on an empty stomach. So if your stomach is empty at midnight take it then.
Hey everyone I attached below a selfie of my sutures so you can see where they did the incision.
It looks like someone tried to slash your throat! It will heal nicely and was probably just longer because they needed to insure they got it all out. It's just a little bit longer than what happened to a lady I know who had goiter surgery.