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I told you all in another post that my (almost) 14 year-old daughter has received an indeterminate colitis diagnosis. It is likely UC, but there was microscopic inflammation in the esophagus and stomach so the officially declared it indeterminate.

She has had symptoms for about 6 months (bleeding), and in that time has been having really bad leg cramping. She plays soccer (dual-rostered with her club - meaning two teams, and is also now playing for her school), and this leg cramping has made playing somewhat miserable for her.

She describes this as cramping primarily in her calves, and sometimes in her hamstrings. She says it's like those muscles "clench" - like you would think of with muscle spasms. Watching her play, while she's in motion she seems to do better but when she stops, it's painful.

I know with my j-pouch and my other daughter's j-pouch, we get more leg and foot cramps - but I don't recall having issues with this when I had UC.

Her potassium levels are in the low-normal range, and we have given her Gatorade, bananas, etc. to deal with any potassium shortfall. And it may help.

Anyway - I wanted to see if you all or your kids ever had similar issues and if so, what you did to resolve it?

Thank you!

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Thanks all! I will work with her on the hydration. She thinks she drinks a lot but likely does not. Her GI did blood work, and her iron was the very low-end of normal, but that doesn't usually result in muscle cramping but still needs to be addressed. Potassium, calcium, and magnesium were all normal:

Potassium 4.4 mmol/L  Ref Range: 3.5 - 5.2

Calcium 9.4 mg/dL  Ref Range: 8.6 - 10.5
Magnesium 1.9 mg/dL  Ref Range: 1.6 - 2.3

Hmmm... yeah. I don't think they regularly check for B-12 in my daughter's blood work. We started having her take additional magnesium, potassium, and calcium and it hasn't completely eliminated the issue but has helped. She also switched to Inflectra (bio-similar for Remicade) and should be stopping her Colazol end of week, so hopefully any absorption issues will resolve. But I might suggest testing her B-12. Thanks!

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