Hi everybody
I’ve been sick for two weeks, going on three. I’ve had a low grade fever on and off and mainly at night. First week I ignored it and managed to do well with ibuprofen and paracetamol. Second week I stayed home from work. The fever was still on and off but I felt more fatigue and muscle and joint pain.
I went to the local clinic twice. They ruled out COVID-19 and saw I had a elevated CRP. On the second visit it had gone from 57 to 61 so they referred me to the emergency room where they’d be able to run more tests.
So I went. They found nothing off except that my CRP had gone down slightly again so they sent me home and told me to check my CRP at the local clinic in a few days. I did that today and it went back up to 56.
If anything I only feel slightly poorer everyday but it puzzles me that the doctors cannot or will not find anything wrong with me. Does anyone have a clue?
I’ve had to pause my Simponi infusions and azatheoprine as long as I have a fever but I’m afraid holding off on it will only make me feel worse...