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Shit!!! that sounds awful!!!

@Bubbapup posted:

Yea it’s pretty painful. The hernia isn’t a hernia like normal people get. It was a hernia near my pouch- just the small intestines popped out of there. The intestines where my ostomy was had gone down and wrapped around my pouch- so they tacked that down so that wouldn’t happen again. They said it was making my pouch twist, think of it like your shirt sleeve twisting.

I’m in a lot of pain now and tried to walk, but couldn’t even stand straight. I had to have the nurse help me back to my room. I then took some oxy (still waiting for it to kick in). The plan was for me to go home this afternoon but honestly I can’t go home with this pain. My surgeon said I could go home today or tomorrow, but I know the nurses and other floor docs want to get me outta here. I know they need the beds for other post-op patients (the nurse literally said that). I told her there isn’t any way I can go home like this. She’s like well, just take the oxy and then go for a walk- u need to start moving. I took a walk yesterday and it was fine. Not today though. I was a 9 out of 10 a bit ago going to the bathroom just now. I also told the doc that when she came in (right after I went to the bathroom). Ugh. I don’t want to be a wimp but this hurts more than my c section.

Shit!!! that sounds awful!!!

Those nurses should not be talking to you like that, that is crazy!!! they are not in your shoes! they are not feeling your pain. I am sorry they told you that. You matter too.

How are you feeling now???

Feeling better. They gave me a special dose of meds via IV and then an hour later I was due for regular pain med. I’m at a 6/10 which is manageable. They also gave me a muscle relaxer to help my intestine process the food a little better - the gas and the process is causing pain. Seems to have helped.

My surgeon stopped by and was reassuring and agreed we need to get the pain under control. I’m staying until tomorrow, still eating solids slowly and plain stuff. Fingers crossed!

thanks again so much for the support!

@Bubbapup posted:

Feeling better. They gave me a special dose of meds via IV and then an hour later I was due for regular pain med. I’m at a 6/10 which is manageable. They also gave me a muscle relaxer to help my intestine process the food a little better - the gas and the process is causing pain. Seems to have helped.

My surgeon stopped by and was reassuring and agreed we need to get the pain under control. I’m staying until tomorrow, still eating solids slowly and plain stuff. Fingers crossed!

thanks again so much for the support!

Oh good! SO happy to hear all of this!!!

I hope you can leave tomorrow but if you are still in pain please do not rush yourself.

Sooo…i was going to the bathroom every hour basically and I haven’t gone #2 since 4:30pm yesterday. It’s 1:30am. Pain is still here. Thinking this is not good. Lots of bowel sounds though.  

When I told the nurse I hadn’t gone too the bathroom since 4:30pm, she looked at me like that’s normal. I said no, that’s not normal for me. Food goes through me in 3-4 hours max bc I don’t have a colon. Ugh! I just got more Tylenol and pain medicine. They are letting rhe surgeon on call know. I hope it’s not another obstruction since I haven’t gone since before I had dinner.

Last edited by Bubbapup

Thanks Maverick. I’ve been struggling. I’ve gone potty twice in 18 hours which isn’t very encouraging, but still better than nothing! Doc came by today and said she thinks it’s just my bowel having a hard time waking up. Do a lot of walking today (if I can tolerate) and they’ll re-evaluate after lunch. Got sick again this Am so the nausea is still there. Wouldn’t wish this on anyone!

Doc DID say every pouch is different so it’s so hard to predict how things will be, or act. Isn’t that the truth?!!!

@Bubbapup posted:

Thanks Maverick. I’ve been struggling. I’ve gone potty twice in 18 hours which isn’t very encouraging, but still better than nothing! Doc came by today and said she thinks it’s just my bowel having a hard time waking up. Do a lot of walking today (if I can tolerate) and they’ll re-evaluate after lunch. Got sick again this Am so the nausea is still there. Wouldn’t wish this on anyone!

Doc DID say every pouch is different so it’s so hard to predict how things will be, or act. Isn’t that the truth?!!!

twice in `18 hours?!?!?! Yeah that is not good at all.

I cannot believe your nausea is still there!!! I am sorry to hear that.

How are you doing now????

I haven’t been hooked up to the IV since this morning. All I’ve had all day is (3) 8 oz bottles of water. The doc wants to hook me back up. I know the meds can slow stuff down but it wasn’t doing it on Mon and Tues when I was taking the same dose and was still going 19X.

Doc thinks it might jsut be an ileus. Just gotta wait it out and keep drinking and walking.

@Bubbapup posted:

I haven’t been hooked up to the IV since this morning. All I’ve had all day is (3) 8 oz bottles of water. The doc wants to hook me back up. I know the meds can slow stuff down but it wasn’t doing it on Mon and Tues when I was taking the same dose and was still going 19X.

Doc thinks it might jsut be an ileus. Just gotta wait it out and keep drinking and walking.

Sorry you cannot go home yet, I know you miss your hubby and baby. Did you find out if your surgeon did a pouchoscopy???

Yeah I had an ileus before and it sucks! It days for mine to go away, I am not sure if yours might go away in a couple of days. Lets pray it clears up!

Sucks you have to walk but that is the best thing.

How is your pain???

Belly pain is a good 6/7 out of 10. When I walk it goes up to 8. I can’t really sit up because it hurts. Just feels weird, uncomfortable.

I’m hoping it clears by tomorrow and I can go home.

My mother in law came over and is staying with my husband to help with my daughter. So thats a help. But today is her birthday so its stressful to try and figure out dinners and plan that while getting y husband go get down here before visiting hours end at 8pm. I feel bad he’s doing so much. I didn’t think I’d be this laid up.

@Bubbapup posted:

Belly pain is a good 6/7 out of 10. When I walk it goes up to 8. I can’t really sit up because it hurts. Just feels weird, uncomfortable.

I’m hoping it clears by tomorrow and I can go home.

My mother in law came over and is staying with my husband to help with my daughter. So thats a help. But today is her birthday so its stressful to try and figure out dinners and plan that while getting y husband go get down here before visiting hours end at 8pm. I feel bad he’s doing so much. I didn’t think I’d be this laid up.

Damn that sounds awful hon!! I am sorry to hear that hon.

If it does not clear up tomorrow please do not rush it! In the past I rushed it because I wanted to go home and then I had to come back to the hospital and wait in the ER for hours all over again, do not make that same mistake hon. If you do not feel better tomorrow then wait until you feel better.

And oh good! I am glad your hubby has some help! Its good for your daughter to have a mommy figure during this time. And oh no! Sorry to hear about the birthday happening right now, maybe once you go home you can celebrate with her when you are fully well. This is not your fault, life happens unfortunately! Unfortunately with J-pouches and ostomies- things are unpredictable.

I am just happy you had your surgeries and fixed the main problems. The healing journey is the hardest part.

Going okay. I’ve been to the bathroom 5 times since dinner last night. So too early to tell my doc said if this is new normal or still waking up. They put me back on the IV and since I’m not really feeling up to eating, she can’t send me home today. She’s said if I’m not eating or drinking enough, it’s not smart. Also, she wants me to be at least 24 hours without substantial pain. So it is what it is…just watching Netflix and napping. Been picking at my breakfast, but ate what I could before I felt full. Been walking around much much better so that’s good. Going to go for a walk every hour or so, if I’m not sleeping, lol. Thanks for checking in.

@Bubbapup posted:

Going okay. I’ve been to the bathroom 5 times since dinner last night. So too early to tell my doc said if this is new normal or still waking up. They put me back on the IV and since I’m not really feeling up to eating, she can’t send me home today. She’s said if I’m not eating or drinking enough, it’s not smart. Also, she wants me to be at least 24 hours without substantial pain. So it is what it is…just watching Netflix and napping. Been picking at my breakfast, but ate what I could before I felt full. Been walking around much much better so that’s good. Going to go for a walk every hour or so, if I’m not sleeping, lol. Thanks for checking in.

Oh that is much better than before!! Excellent!!!!

Yeah that makes total since!!! No point in sending you home if your not eating or drinking enough- that is going to cause much more problems if you go home like that.

Sounds like a good plan so far!!! Sorry you have to still be there but this is the right thing for sure. Sometimes our bodies do not heal as fast as we want it too but you will get there!!

How did the birthday go yesterday??? Did your family come see you???

Birthday went okay they ordered pizza and added on a fancy dessert the restaurant has, so that was like a cake. Thanks for asking.

Really wondering if I’m going home today- been going as much as I used to, with increased urgency- like before my surgery. I was able to have breakfast, lunch and a little dinner (and an Ensure for dessert). And I’m trying to go without opioids- it’s been since 10pm and now it’s 5am, and I’m just on Tylenol. So that’s good! My biggest wonder is always how long is too long on the opioids. I get nervous about getting dependent, so I tend to want to go off it. I also feel like this wasn’t a huge surgery so I “should” be fine. I mean my roommate had a total hysterectomy so compared to that! She’s saying she’s only a level 4 pain! I feel like my 5/6 pain is expected and something I can handle.

They said it would be similar to my gallbladder surgery but this feels way worse. Wonder why.

@Bubbapup posted:

Birthday went okay they ordered pizza and added on a fancy dessert the restaurant has, so that was like a cake. Thanks for asking.

Really wondering if I’m going home today- been going as much as I used to, with increased urgency- like before my surgery. I was able to have breakfast, lunch and a little dinner (and an Ensure for dessert). And I’m trying to go without opioids- it’s been since 10pm and now it’s 5am, and I’m just on Tylenol. So that’s good! My biggest wonder is always how long is too long on the opioids. I get nervous about getting dependent, so I tend to want to go off it. I also feel like this wasn’t a huge surgery so I “should” be fine. I mean my roommate had a total hysterectomy so compared to that! She’s saying she’s only a level 4 pain! I feel like my 5/6 pain is expected and something I can handle.

They said it would be similar to my gallbladder surgery but this feels way worse. Wonder why.

Sounds like a great birthday!!!

And sounds like your doing better!!!

Let me know what the doctor says this morning!!! I am excited!!!

@Bubbapup posted:

Doc says I can go home! Prob won’t happen until after breakfast though. Woo whoo!!

Happy Birthday and yay for going home!  As far as the opioids go, I'd try to get off them ASAP, but hopefully that wouldn't mean being in pain, which is also really bad for anyone's psyche.  I was prescribed tincture of opium for 6 months and the withdrawal was awful!  That six months was also a rollercoaster because the body wanted more and more, but I kept the dose steady, so I would be feeling awful and weepy or angry when my last dose wore off, then blissed out when I finally got to take it, and this was every day.  It was an emotional roller coaster and I don't recommend it.  Other people seem to do alright with it, or maybe they're just used to it?  I felt like a basket case!

@Bubbapup posted:

Yes I’m finally home! Got home after lunch today (what’s a process getting discharged). Anyway, came home and slept, woke up to shower and eat some dinner and heading back to bed now. Taking a lot out of me! Here’s to reading my kid a book before bed, clean sheets and a good night rest!

Thats whats up!!!

Hope you have a follow up appointment with surgeon!!!

Happy your home love!!! And with your baby!!!

Doing okay. Just uncomfortable. Not in pain meds. Doc called this AM and wants me to check in with her daily- just give the nurse a call and let them know how things are going, how many times per day I’m going, if I have pain, nausea, etc.

Yesterday I slept almost the entire day. I feel better today but just can’t get comfortable in any position other than laying down. I told the doc that and she said yea, it sounds more muscular-skeletal, given everything I had done. She said to listen to my body and take it easy, and remember that I’m only 6 days post surgery. I told her I expected to be more mobile and was hoping to be back at work at the end of the week. She said no way. Maybe at the end of next week (at the earliest). She said people take 2-4 weeks off usually, and given all my history, she thinks my body is just telling me to take it easy. Listen to my body, she says.

So that’s what I’m doing. I’ll fill out FMLA for work. Not ideal since I work at a college and we have students coming back on Thursday and Friday of this week- classes start next Mon! But, it is what it is!

Thanks for checking in!

@Bubbapup posted:

Doing okay. Just uncomfortable. Not in pain meds. Doc called this AM and wants me to check in with her daily- just give the nurse a call and let them know how things are going, how many times per day I’m going, if I have pain, nausea, etc.

Yesterday I slept almost the entire day. I feel better today but just can’t get comfortable in any position other than laying down. I told the doc that and she said yea, it sounds more muscular-skeletal, given everything I had done. She said to listen to my body and take it easy, and remember that I’m only 6 days post surgery. I told her I expected to be more mobile and was hoping to be back at work at the end of the week. She said no way. Maybe at the end of next week (at the earliest). She said people take 2-4 weeks off usually, and given all my history, she thinks my body is just telling me to take it easy. Listen to my body, she says.

So that’s what I’m doing. I’ll fill out FMLA for work. Not ideal since I work at a college and we have students coming back on Thursday and Friday of this week- classes start next Mon! But, it is what it is!

Thanks for checking in!

I am happy the doc wants you check in with her daily! That sounds great!!!

I really believe it may take a month for you to recover, please do not overdo it hon, you need rest, the doc is 100% right!! Rest is the best medicine honestly, that is how your body heals, rest and sleep.

Glad you are going to do FMLA, that is important!!!

Your welcome, keep me updated!!!

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