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So I’m back in the hospital. I’ve been here for 24 hours and still waiting to talk to surgeon. The PA said it looks like a full obstruction. Idk what’s taking so long. Or why this has happened for the third time in a month. I was drinking my a lot more, decreased my immodium, and have been watching what I eat- making sure not too much ruffage and also chewing things thoroughly. By far the worst hospital visit - it took them 7 hours to see me initially and about 16 to do the scan! This is insane! Still waiting on surgeons!

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DAMN! I am sorry to hear that. Sounds you like have been doing the remedies great!

I know immodium always clogged me up- even a little clogged me up, that is why I stopped taking it. How much did you decrease the immodium by???

Regardless, I will keep you in my prayers and please let us know what happens

yea they aren’t even giving me fluids, and usually that helps, which is so weird. I was taking 2 per day. Here are the e results- still waiting on docs. Looks like multiple spots!

GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT: The stomach is nondilated. There are multiple anastomoses visualized which appear patent. There are numerous prominent loops of small bowel within the right lower quadrant with are filled with fluid and air. Just distal to the anastomosis there is a suggestion of a transition point (series 301, image 389) this may represent peristalsis as the distal small bowel is not completely collapsed. There are several additional fluid-filled loops of small bowel which are not pathologically dilated.

@Bubbapup posted:

yea they aren’t even giving me fluids, and usually that helps, which is so weird. I was taking 2 per day. Here are the e results- still waiting on docs. Looks like multiple spots!

GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT: The stomach is nondilated. There are multiple anastomoses visualized which appear patent. There are numerous prominent loops of small bowel within the right lower quadrant with are filled with fluid and air. Just distal to the anastomosis there is a suggestion of a transition point (series 301, image 389) this may represent peristalsis as the distal small bowel is not completely collapsed. There are several additional fluid-filled loops of small bowel which are not pathologically dilated.

Regarding the immodium, it might be for the best not to take them anymore- I know you do not like going to the bathroom 14x a day but not taking immodium is better than going through this hell. In actuality it does not make sense to poop 14x a day but not being able to handle immodium but the same situation happened to me as well. That is why i stopped taking immodium, I am not sure 100% if you stop taking immodium that the problem will get solved, but it definitely solved my problems. I would do trial and error and see how it goes for you. I definitely feel for you though, going to the bathroom 14x a day is not fun but you get use to it, or at least I did. I am here if you need help managing that.

In my experience with blockages with my ostomy- I was not allowed fluids either. Anything that goes in with a blockage has to come out, that is what I was told with my blockages. I just hope they do not give you a NG tube, that shit fucking hurts!!!

And damn! Sorry about the results! I really hope they do something for you soon. Please continue to update us hon!

@Bubbapup posted:

Humm the immodium, I wasn’t on it after last few times I had an obstruction- I was going upwards of 24/day and my butt was sooo sore- I could barely sit. I’d have to do something else other than immodium. I really hope no NG tube- heard those stink!

Damn! 24x a day sounds awful! I bet your butt was sore as hell. You use Calmoseptine right???

Have you tried Cholestyramine??? That is a powder and it thickens stuff up pretty good. Metamucil is over the counter and I hear good things about that.

Part of me wonders if you have pouchitis???

Yes not multiple spots, thankfully. I finally got a room- staying overnight and fluids. The surgeon came in and said it’s just wait and see. No NG tube right now thankfully. He said I can try and go home tomorrow if I feel better or wait until Mon when my surgeon who did my pouch can come and see me. Tempting both ways- I wanna get the heck out of here but I also don’t want to be back in another week!

@Bubbapup posted:

Yes not multiple spots, thankfully. I finally got a room- staying overnight and fluids. The surgeon came in and said it’s just wait and see. No NG tube right now thankfully. He said I can try and go home tomorrow if I feel better or wait until Mon when my surgeon who did my pouch can come and see me. Tempting both ways- I wanna get the heck out of here but I also don’t want to be back in another week!

I would wait to see the surgeon since you have been having this ongoing problem in the last month. Please do not rush this experience, please wait to see the surgeon on Monday. You came this far already, please wait until Monday.

That’s what I’m leaning toward too, but it’s so I’m uncomfortable to be here. My back is so sore from this bed and not walking- that pain is worse than my stomach. I’m literally just standing near my bed bc i can’t sit anymore. O asked for Tylenol 2 hours ago and still waiting on the order from the doc. My back and hips are so bad (i have arthritis) and they know this too.

@Bubbapup posted:

It could have been from the pain medication they gave me or just bc I started sipping water? That’s what I want to chalk it up to. They did give me Zofran so I’ve felt fine since. Fingers crossed it wasn’t bc of obstruction! Thanks

Oh yeah! Zofran is amazing!!! I hope the doctor sees you very early tomorrow so we can get some answers ASAP!!!

I hope you find relief soon. I also experienced intermittent obstructions.  Finally, when the docs decided to do surgery,  they discovered that my intestine was twisted and stuck to the abdominal wall due to adhesions. It didn't show up on x-ray. Knock wood, I haven't had an obstruction since. I don't wish this on anybody, but perhaps the surgeon will need to go in to see what is really happening. I wish you the best.

Oh wow. I’m glad it’s been a lot better since. That’s what I thought they’d say but it looks like if I can tolerate solids today they might send me home. I definitely want to go, but so know I discussed with my surgeon last time this happened they might want to go in an investigate and clip an adhesions, etc. I haven’t seen her yet, just people on her team.

Half of me thinks I'm also not as sick as the other people here. Like I shouldn’t be here, and then I swap to thinking, this is where I need to be right now. But, I’m also afraid of going home and having this happen. Again. I have a small kid at home and it’s a lot for my husband to handle her, the dog, the house, and coming to see me…it’s hard to explain to her what’s going on. I would just rather be home. But I can’t keep going to the hospital every 1-2 weeks either, you know?

If the surgeon comes in- hopefully I’ll see someone before I leave and can ask them the long term plan. My guess is they’ll just set up a follow up appt to discuss.

Honestly, you have been doing everything right already in preventing blockages and obstructions. I do not think its you causing the issues. I think the medical staff is right, it could be adhesions. Adhesions cause all sorts of problems. I know you have had your surgery for a while, I am surprised it is affecting you after all this time.

Your in the right place! You can die from blockages and obstructions, you definitely need to stay where you are. I understand what you mean about your family but the pros of staying in the hospital verses going home again and this possibly happening again are worth staying in the hospital until this is solved.

You might want to check with your assigned nurse and ask her if the surgeon is coming???

@Bubbapup posted:

Thanks for the feedback. I do appreciate it! I just asked the nurse and she said the plan is for discharge later today. I asked if i was going to see a doctor or anyone and she didn’t know (I think she’s new and being trained).

In measures like these: call the nurse and ask to speak with the charge nurse, You need answers and deserve answers. The surgeon should definitely come and see you, you had 3 obstructions in 1 month!

My regular surgeon who is awesome, came by in between her colonoscopies and stuff. She said, “I know I’m coming in hot, but we’ll do an exploratory laparoscopy tomorrow. I can fit you in in the afternoon.” She agrees that 3 incidents in 4 weeks is just too much and it’s not a good quality of life.

Best case scenario she goes in and clips adhesions and I’m out of the hospital by Wed. If she finds anything causing the obstruction or a part of the bowel that needs to be removed. She’ll do that. If she finds worse, she’ll wake me up and we’ll take it from there but she doesn’t think that’s going to happen. She’s also going to do a pouchoscopy too to cover every possible area.

I am relieved in a way, as much as no one really wants surgery, you know? I’m also stepping back down to liquids and going back on the IV since my stomach isn’t feeling so great. Just take the zofran?

@Bubbapup posted:

My regular surgeon who is awesome, came by in between her colonoscopies and stuff. She said, “I know I’m coming in hot, but we’ll do an exploratory laparoscopy tomorrow. I can fit you in in the afternoon.” She agrees that 3 incidents in 4 weeks is just too much and it’s not a good quality of life.

Best case scenario she goes in and clips adhesions and I’m out of the hospital by Wed. If she finds anything causing the obstruction or a part of the bowel that needs to be removed. She’ll do that. If she finds worse, she’ll wake me up and we’ll take it from there but she doesn’t think that’s going to happen. She’s also going to do a pouchoscopy too to cover every possible area.

I am relieved in a way, as much as no one really wants surgery, you know? I’m also stepping back down to liquids and going back on the IV since my stomach isn’t feeling so great. Just take the zofran?

The best DAMN news we have heard in days!!! I love that you have a woman surgeon!!! Thats whats up!!!

I am super excited for tomorrow!!! She is super right!! 3 incidents in one month is bullshit, especially when you have been doing obstruction preventions.

I am so happy you waited for her instead of going home!! Thank GOD!!!!

I know you miss your family but please stay in the hospital, this is much better than going home and suffering.

Please let us know how everything goes tomorrow!!!

@Bubbapup posted:

I haven’t talked to the surgeon yet but looks like my bowel was twisted around my pouch. Also had a hernia. Who knew? I bet the hernia is why I’ve had pain this past year and why it didn’t show up on the CT scan. Thanks for checking in. Hopefully this can fix it for good! So grateful!

WTF??!?!! Damn!!! That is crazy!!! Thank God you stayed in the hospital and got checked!!!

Do you do a lot of strenuous exercise or straining??? Sometimes those two things can cause hernias and bowel twists.

Is she going to do surgery to fix the hernia and bowel twist??? And did those two things show up on the pouchoscopy???

She fixed both today, thankfully. So no follow up surgery necessary. I don’t know if they did a pouchoscopy or not so I’ll ask her when she comes in.

I actually had a hernia back when I was pregnant. I guess it probably got worse over time! I started working out in Jan to strengthen core and back, since my surgeries had weakened those muscles (also had a c-section). Maybe I’ll go back to PT to see how I can strengthen without making it worse. I kind of want to see pics if she has any!

At least not having food this past week has gotten ride of my sugar/candy craving. I can get back on track with eating better.

Haven’t heard from the surgeon about exactly what was done so I went into my online medical chart and saw it says bowel resection for the hernia! Am I reading this correctly? I thought they just had to pop it back in and put the mesh on the opening to secure a hernia.

Reduction of small bowel internal hernia around ieloanal pouch mesentery.

@Bubbapup posted:

Haven’t heard from the surgeon about exactly what was done so I went into my online medical chart and saw it says bowel resection for the hernia! Am I reading this correctly? I thought they just had to pop it back in and put the mesh on the opening to secure a hernia.

Reduction of small bowel internal hernia around ieloanal pouch mesentery.

Honestly I think it depends but I think you are reading it right, especially since you had both a hernia and bowel twist. I think your reading it right.

Are you still in the hospital??? If you are, you go home Wednesday right???

@Bubbapup posted:

gotcha. Thanks. I’m supposed to. Fingers crossed though! Still waiting on doc to come by - that pain was unreal. Worst I ever had.

I bet the pain was unrreal! I only suffered bowel obstructions never a hernia or a bowel twist! You had all three!!! SHIT!!! I bet that pain was HELL!!!

Any updates????

Last edited by Former Member
@Bubbapup posted:

Haven’t heard from the surgeon about exactly what was done so I went into my online medical chart and saw it says bowel resection for the hernia! Am I reading this correctly? I thought they just had to pop it back in and put the mesh on the opening to secure a hernia.

Reduction of small bowel internal hernia around ieloanal pouch mesentery.

“Reduction” is very different from “resection.” Reduction usually means just pushing the bowel back where it belongs (and securing it). An internal hernia wouldn’t have any external signs, nor would the usual mesh be involved - a “hernia” is just the word for an internal organ pushing itself through an opening into a place where it doesn’t belong.

I’m glad you and your doctors found your way to a proper diagnosis and repair. It can be very hard to work out whether surgery is the best course, but clearly it was for you. I hope your recovery is swift and easy, and you never have an obstruction again.

Yea it’s pretty painful. The hernia isn’t a hernia like normal people get. It was a hernia near my pouch- just the small intestines popped out of there. The intestines where my ostomy was had gone down and wrapped around my pouch- so they tacked that down so that wouldn’t happen again. They said it was making my pouch twist, think of it like your shirt sleeve twisting.

I’m in a lot of pain now and tried to walk, but couldn’t even stand straight. I had to have the nurse help me back to my room. I then took some oxy (still waiting for it to kick in). The plan was for me to go home this afternoon but honestly I can’t go home with this pain. My surgeon said I could go home today or tomorrow, but I know the nurses and other floor docs want to get me outta here. I know they need the beds for other post-op patients (the nurse literally said that). I told her there isn’t any way I can go home like this. She’s like well, just take the oxy and then go for a walk- u need to start moving. I took a walk yesterday and it was fine. Not today though. I was a 9 out of 10 a bit ago going to the bathroom just now. I also told the doc that when she came in (right after I went to the bathroom). Ugh. I don’t want to be a wimp but this hurts more than my c section.

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