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Well its been a year and a half since my final j-pouch surgery. everything has worked great. I don't count how many time I go, I just go.
Just very happy/ thankful to be alive and able to do things again.

ok I gain some wait back from 140 back to normal 180 since surgery. I have noticed for a long time on my belly between where the ileo was and the long surgical scar is a pertruding bulge. I figured it was fat and scar tissue. I mashed on it tonite with one finger and felt like a weak spot about the size of a dime or smaller. it felt like I was pushing something back in.

Is it a hernia?
Will it heal on it own in that place?

I often do strenuous work on some house I take care.

Should I get some kind of a belt to wear to help it heal?
Original Post
Hi Daviwayat,
Sounds awfully familiar...could be a hernia. Have you shown it to a doctor? Is it painful? Are you having any problems?
If there is no pain, no problem other than a little bulge and if it does not bother you then you can leave it be...if it is causing problems then you should have it checked out.
As far as I know (and I may be wrong)hernias to not heal on their own...they need fixing but if it is just a little one they often don't bother.

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