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Yesterday I had an appointment with Dr. Lavery at the Cleveland Clinic to discuss what to do about my chronic obstructions that are at the connection point of the J-pouch. I wanted to discuss having the J-pouch removed and having a permanent ostomy partly because that is the site for my chronic obstructions and partly because I have Crohn's, not UC and don't have a great quality of life with the J-pouch.

Getting him to answer questions was like trying to milk a bull. And I kept trying to get his opinion and recommendation and he kept saying it was all up to me and just personal preference. I asked him what he would tell his wife or daughter in my situation and he said "The same thing I'm telling you; you're a big girl and can make your own decisions."

He also wanted to scope my J-pouch in the office. Okay, I knew that wouldn't be pleasant but it was awful. I know it's a teaching hospital so there were three other people in the room. My butt was bare and there was no effort to give me a sheet or provide any dignity for me. I was just leaning over a table. Than after the exam, which was painful, he said I could get dressed. But the guys didn't leave or turn around and at this point, the young students had walked around and were facing me watching and waiting for me to stand up and pull my pants up...they had just seen my rear but were now in position for a full frontal. I just sat there waiting for them to leave but they didn't and just stared at me. Finally I said, "I know you just saw everything but could I please have some privacy while I dress?" I shouldn't have to ask for that! I was shaking and crying and so humiliated.

He also just kept saying he didn't have enough information and we would need to do a scan but he wouldn't order the scan then. He wants me to fly back up and have a scan and then go back again for surgery! I just spent $2000 for me and my husband to have horrible afternoon appointment with the guy. I actually have more questions than when I went in. I'm so frustrated and don't know what to do...

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Sorry to hear about your experience at CC.  I too was told that I would eventually need pouch excision.  My surgeon is some what hesitant to do the operation because of the complications involved.  It is an extremely complex procedure more so than the initial colectomy.  And I actually am not sure of the actual success rate of the procedure.  In my experience when doctors don't say much it is usually because they are unsure what exactly it is they should do.  He might have been contemplating the pros and cons of the procedure and making sure that that is really what you want.  But still it doesn't excuse him for treating you the way you describe.  My simple answer to what you should do is look for another doctor.  If you didn't feel comfortable with him there is no reason to waste time and money with someone who doesn't answer your questions or offer any real advice.  He or she need to go over all the pros and cons of having this procedure and all the options available to you, period.  If they don't do that then you will have serious doubts and questions that will haunt you.  Another thing to consider is a temporary ostomy, keeping the j-pouch but having a temporary ostomy to give the pouch a break.  This could allow you to heal and feel better while also possibly healing the pouch.  This is an extremely difficult decision, but the most important thing is to have trust in your doctor.  Hope you can find one you trust and hope you feel better soon.  

Olive Oil, what a horrible, humiliating experience. In this day and age, at such a reputable place, with patient centered care, how could this happen? Very good advice above. Feeling comfortable and in good hands with your medical people is so important, too. My surgery was in NYC. Very experienced doc. Feel free to PM me.

I am so, so terribly sorry you had such an awful visit at The Clinic with Dr. Lavery. It is so disheartening to know an established facility, #2 in Digestive Diseases, has left this impression. This is especially true for being an out of town patient (which is huge patient base for The Clinic). I am sure that visit has left you right where you started, unsure of where to go from here. It is odd why an expert surgeon would be so ambiguous. At least you still have the Mayo Clinic, which is #1 in Digestive Diseases. I have changed to UH Cleveland only because of Dr. Dietz being an expert (to me) on my Kpouch situation.   I agree with Joel that you must trust your surgeon and know his expertise. I hope you chalk this up to an experience of meeting someone you don’t want for your surgery. Keep on…you will find a solution and surgeon for your issues.

I am so sorry for rpeo you have just gone is inadmissible but unfortunately so common. I feel you pain and anger and humiliation...but you did good...saying what you did and reclaiming your dignity showed them for the insensitive bores that they are...better they work in the morgue than on living patients.

Find someone new in a god hospital with human beings and not gut-gods.


I'm so sorry for your story today.  How awful!  I'm sorry for all this cost you today!

My GI told me I had to have my pouch out (because my cuff was a mess due to Crohn's) and my whole pelvis was a "hornet's nest".  I begged the surgeon is just divert me and give my body another chance, but he refused to divert saying I would only be back in a short time to instead get the excision and barbie butt my GI was advising.

My GI was adamant that do this immediately, but my surgeon said I could schedule when I was ready.  It took me a 1 1/2 years to sign up for a surgery the GI at Mayo said to do within 7-10 days. (Again, my pouch was 15 years old)

Feel free to PM me with questions about the surgery.  I had SO many questions for my surgeon and I think he was sick of me crying over my list at each visit.  Such a hard decision when it feels like it's all on you!


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