Hi, my name is Wendy and I'm one of the Long Island Honorees this year for Team Challenge. As I'm sure many of you know Team Challenge raises funds for CCFA to help find a cure for both Crohn's and Colitis. As I still am trying to get used to this whole J pouch thing, I am also training to run in my second half marathon with team challenge, the first being only 3 months after the take down surgery of my J pouch process. For Long Island the goal for each team member is $3800. If anyone would like to donate or would share this page, I'd be very grateful and it can make a change in the world of IBD.
My story is also attached to this page, beginning to end of my surgeries and updates on how the J pouch is going for me. Thank you for even giving me the time of day to read and consider the donation
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