Can I ask what specifically sent you to the ER so I have a better idea of what to be sure to avoid? Did you end up with blockages?
I had two ER visits after takedown and both were caused by my own stupidity.
At the 30 day anniversary after takedown I was feeling good. I was on a "high sodium diet", this due to the Pouch's slow ability to adjust to electrolyte regulatory function previously performed by the excised colon. So I decided to celebrate and have a "sodium party".
I ordered a small anchovy pizza from the best pizzeria in Bridgeport, CT at that time, bought a 6 pack of V8 juice and a bag of Lays BBQ potato chips. I consumed the pizza, the entire bag of chips, and 3 cans of V8 at about 8 pm.
At about 3 am I awoke with severe left sided pain in my lower back going towards my abdomen. The pain became progressively more severe. At the time I lived with my parents and my pacing woke up my father who found me doubled over in pain. I was taken to the ER and diagnosed with a severe sodium overdose. The doctor looked at me as my labs came back and said, "what did you do??????????????" I also had trace blood in my urine on the urine test.
The second ER trip came at about the 6 week mark. Blockage after eating a very large amount of seafood paella. I really gorged. Again, I was feeling great and wanting to live it up. Ended up in ER and just as they were about to insert the dreaded NG tube - which would have been my second insertion, counting the one I had after ileus after step 1 - I started harshly vomiting. The act of vomiting, the spasming, somehow freed the blockage and after about 5 wretches and barfing all over, I was on the commode and the blockage was set free.
That was 20 years ago and thankfully, my last blockage.