Hi there. I had the first two of my three surgeries done about a year ago. It really took me down. Rough recovery with quite a few complications. Infected wound, extreme pain, diversionary pouchitis and severe fatigue due to poor nutrient absorbtion. I have only recently begun to feel better but today I got a call from my surgeon informing me that my Takedown is scheduled for January 28. I'm so scared. I don't know if I'm making a giant mistake I'm going to regret or if this is a good thing. My output is pretty watery most of the time and I'm scared that I'm going to be running to the bathroom 100 times a day. Does your output get thicker after takedown? What can I expect in terms of recovery? I have two small children and not a lot of help. I sincerely appreciate all your input. Thank you so much for taking the time to respond to these queries
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