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I had the same issues prior to takedown--diversional pouchitis was what my surgeon referred to it as. Unfortunately for me I still have it and it is chronic 16 months later. That does not mean it will be the case for you. I do take daily augmentin to help with the pouchitis as without it, my pouch goes haywire.

I would ask your surgeon about his experience with this. Most will tell you it is very common to excrete mucus via your jpouch when you have a temporary ostomy
and then when your takedown is complete, it will correct itself once stool starts passing through the pouch.

I am bothered about you ilietis diagnosis as at my last scope prior to my colectomy, I was also diagnosed with ilietus (referred to as backwash colitis). My surgeon was not concerned about this, but now I am wondering if there is a correlation to chronic pouchitis due to this and maybe we are not the best candidates for jpouch surgery if we have a pre-surgery or pre-takedown ilietis diagnosis. Again, only your surgeon can best answer this question for you based upon his experience.
Good luck.
I had the J Pouch in 3 steps, I wore the ostomy bag for 9 months and I had to pass mucous once a day or once every other day for the whole 9 months. Doctor told me it was nothing to worry about. I'm one month after takedown right now and I have been able to go out no problem. I wouldn't plan anything the first couple weeks though. I just too my son to an airshow last weekend where I was away from home for 8 hours, only went to the bathroom once this whole time. I avoided stuffing my face at the airshow so that helped.

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