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Finally the time has come. My first surgery was sept 24 2019 and they booked me in for takedown on oct 9. They just called and bumped me up to oct 2. I’m pretty excited as long as I don’t need to get a ng tube all will be good. That being said I wanted to ask what did you wish you had in the hospital after your takedown? Something you wouldn’t think about it now you’ve been through it you know. My list is kinda as follows

wet wipes

show shoes



sugar free gum


of course I’ll have all the other basics. Thanks for your advice!

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Shower gel so you don't have to grapple with a bar of slippery soap. Or when you drop bar of soap. For going home after surgery, I packed pull on pants, and slip-on shoes. No struggling with zippers on a swollen tummy, or shoelaces. Large plastic water bottle. Bidet bottle will be the single most important item, so it's good you thought of it. I packed shower shoes and room slippers that could be put through the washing machine when I got home. I found the hospital pillows the worst to sleep on! My family brought my own pillow after the first night. Good luck.

Takedown?  The hard part is over, the takedown procedure is nothing compare to what you’ve already endured.

I didn’t take anything with me that was out of the ordinary. I was only in hospital for 4 or 5 days and I could of been discharged 2 days earlier if I didn’t live so far from the Hospital.

I cant see any reason why a NG Tube would be necessary, I didn’t need one during takedown and the surgery its self didn’t take long; I was back on the Hospital ward before midday.

I was lucky to have a tube of ilex paste, which came in handy to alleviate the excruciating anal pain experienced during BMs, which I now believe was an anal fissure, possibly a result of dilation during surgery, which although annoying, painful and frustrating at the time, it was short lived and easily overcome.

Take a tube of ilex protectant paste with you:


If within the UK, ilex paste is available on NHS Prescription; otherwise call ilex and request sample sachets, stress that two sachets wont be enough to evaluate the product and they may send a free tube.

Initially, I use the bathroom paper hand towels to cleanse between the cheeks after a BM, the type of hand towel normally found in hospitals; they’re more absorbent than toilet paper, also, the use of wet wipes to cleanse can cause soreness, so use the paper hand towels first to absorb output before cleansing with wet wipes.

Last edited by Former Member

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