I am home from my second take down, I had my original pouch done August of 2013, take down Feb 2014 and my pouch decided to twist and turn on me so created a bowel obstruction and the Pouch had to be redone. Dr. Wexner and his team at Cleveland did a second pouch Sep 2015 on Tuesday - a week ago I had my second take down, I am home with only 8 BM's and sleeping through the night which is a whole new concept for me. Now, the questions are: I have little to no appetite and feel sick when I eat, how do I address this? I have pain like cramps pretty much all the time even taking pain meds prescribed by doctor, how long should this pains last? I don't know if my pouch is really empty when I go to the bathroom and seems not to be, is that normal?
You would think this being my second pouch I would not need to ask this questions since I already have gone through this, well I don't remember having these issues before, all I remember is the horrible butt burn which this time I have taken care of that properly since day one and I am happy to report is very manageable if you start immediately. Please share and advice any way you can.
Thanks Patricia