Hi, posted a few days ago to say having takedown Friday, anyway the Surgeon has not done it, got to wait for clinic appointment now to see him. I had pouch done almost 3 years ago, and had leak on join, 6 Eua's later and he told me it's the best it's been so will take down, but have to be prepared for it to fail.
I am v upset to say the least, I am fed up with the disappoinmnent every time.
I had been asking the Surgeon to redo for 1 1/2 years, but he said no lets wait for the pouch to mature etc.. so now my limited options I suppose are:
Stay with loop ileostomy and defunct pouch? (although I am fed up with mucus and discharge from bottom as well as stoma),? Do people live with a defunct pouch?
Permanent End ileostomy - pouch removed and closed up?
Pouch redo? Have many people on here had it redone and worked? Does it take too much of your bowel?
Had 4 major surgeries - cut down the middle every time and not sure if my body can cope with it redone, I'm already exhausted.
Any advice appreciated
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