I've never had hemorrhoids. In December or 2012, I found a tender small lump near my anus. Doctors threw around abscess and hemorrohoid... ended up being an abscess that burst on its own and developed into a fistula.
I currently am back with my old CRS doctor. He's placed a seton. I had UC, and he's not ready to change my dx to Crohn's, because I have no other symptoms of Crohn's, and biopsies of my pouch didn't it, either. My pouch is pretty ok, apart from a quick bout with pouchitis earlier this year, that wasn't awful, but a one month run of Cipro put it in check.
I would talk to the GI about a potential MRI to check for an abscess or fistula, especially if it gets worse. Mine would cycle... the bump would drain, the skin would begin to heal over... then it would fill and hurt and sting til it would burst and start over again. It was never a ton of stuff... scant to small amounts of old blood, mostly.
I have an intrasphincteric fistula that now has a seton in it. It eliminated that fistula cycle. I don't currently have a long term plan, but for the seton. He wants everything to finally chill out there, I guess. We shall see as time marches on, I guess.
Just something to keep in mind. The GIs I saw at first just called my bump a "cyst," but that's such a generic term for some bump somewhere. Hope you get a correct diagnosis.