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I have been on Humira and Imuran combo for 8 years. My scopes the last 2 years have shown moderate inflammation and lately I have been having some stool incontinence at night. My gastro doc is recommending that I switch to either Rinvoq or Skyrizi. Does anyone know which of these are better following Humira? I like the idea of a once daily pill, but is it effective?

Prior to Humira/Imuran, I was on Remicade for 18 months before I developed immunity to it.

1995 - dx UC, 1997 total colectomy with J pouch, remission for 15 years (with the exception of bouts of pouchitis), 2014 - major flare-up and dx with post-colectomy Crohns.

I appreciate your advice. I meet with my doctor tomorrow to determine medication plan.

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I've been on a Humira biosimilar (Hyrimoz) in 2021, but it did not help me. I was on chronic antibiotics till last December. Then switched to Skyrizi (with initial prednisone tapering over 3 months) and my condition is very stable. Still about 6 BM a day. Inflammation levels (CRP) are normal.

I have to use the on-body-injector only every 8 weeks.

@Lisa MC

Skyrizi and Rinvoq have different mechanisms of action (targets) and there’s really no recommendation on which one to try after a TNF inhibitor (eg Remicade and Humira). Skyrizi targets interleukin-23 while a Jak inhibitor (rinvoq) works upstream and affects the signaling of several interleukins. Deciding between the two comes down to route of admin (oral or injection), risk profile of each drug (jaks generally avoided in those with significant cardiovascular disease) and  yours and your physician’s comfort level with each med. One upside to the Jak inhibitor is that they act very quickly so you’ll know if it’s going to work in a month or so which is faster than the biologics. Also convenience of the pill. If you try one and it doesn’t work you can switch to the next. You haven’t burned any bridges. Good luck!

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