hi everybody. I just had step 1 of the 2 step j-pouch surgery. The surgery was done on the 19th. I’m still in the hospital but probably going home tomorrow or the following day. I just had a couple questions for you guys. My abdomen is extremely distended. More than I think is normal. I’m passing stool and gas into the bag and am not nauseous but my abdomen is so bloated. When I eat anything, it gets super super tight near my bellybutton. It’s very uncomfortable but then it’s seems to pass. When I look at pics online of people that just had this same surgery, they do not look as big as my stomach does. Does this seem normal to you? Secondly, one side of my abdomen is much more swollen than the other. The side that is bigger is the side without the stoma. It’s also very sensitive/sore on that side and not anywhere else. My pubic area is also swollen only on that same side. Maybe it’s a large amount of fluid pooled in there or some sort of lynphedema. Any ideas?
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