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Hello Everyone,
It's been a long while since I've checked in on the boards. My 12-year-old son (who has an S-pouch) accidentally swallowed a quarter today! Our pediatrician and our GI don't seem to be overly concerned. We had an x-ray taken, and it showed that the quarter had made it to his abdomen. The doctors think the quarter will pass safely. I am so worried!!! I found one post about swallowing a peppermint, but I would think that would easily dissolve. But a quarter??? I'm worried it will do damage do damage to his pouch. He has had the pouch for a year and a half with no problems whatsoever. Any advice?
Thank you!!!
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The area where it potentially could get hung up is the pouch inlet. I have been told that the bowel in that area does not expand. It just so happens that my bowel is narrowed in that very area, and if it were me that swallowed that quarter, I would be scared crapless.

But, I am hoping the doctors will be right. If there is any problem, however, it could be in passing that area.

By the ways, what was this kid doing with a quarter in his mouth and how the heck did he swallow it??????????????

Good luck with this bizarre situation and keep up posted!!!!!!
Not yet. My husband and I got so worried last night that I sent his surgeon an email to ask about it. We are in Alabama, and my son's wonderful surgeon, Dr. Brad Warner, is in St. Louis. He emailed me back this morning and said that it might take a day or two, but it should come out and that it will not hurt his pouch. He said that the only possible place that it might get lodged is the anal opening. In that case, he said our GI will be able to remove it with no harm done. After a sleepless night of worry, it was very reassuring. However, I will not be able to rest until I see that quarter! We are right at 24 hours right now. Hopefully, we'll be 25 cents richer soon.
Please avoid all magnets! Big Grin
In the good old days we would have told you to give him a tablespoon full of cod liver oil (he would probably be able to pass a roll of quarters with a tbs of cod liver oil!)...but that is no longer fashionable. In any case, as long as he is not having any pain, fever, cramping, bleeding or diareaha then he is probably just fine.
Just keep your eye on the prize...sometimes these things pass through and we don't even realise it.
So it took 48 hours to do the tour and find that your son had no strictures? I guess that quarter was a good luck charm after all. I think your son will have to keep it, maybe even wear it around his neck as a pseudo St. Christopher medal.

As for George Washington, he had a rough winter trip in 1777-78, but this was probably a little wilder.

Anyway, it is great news! But I hope the news does not embolden him to start placing quarters in his lips or mouth whenever he decides to clean up the playroom.......or play basketball Eeker
Last edited by CTBarrister

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