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Hi everyone,
I am very excited to have found this support group!! Without boring everyone to tears with my journey so far...I currently have an ileostomy, have had my jpouch formed and I am having my reversal of the ileostomy this week. The whole process has taken 4 years due to the multiple complications I have had in between mainly due to severe hernia's, obstructions, adhesions, collections and has been a LONG and very difficult journey - about 12 surgeries so far and over 30 hospitalisations. Now initially I was told I could have another pregnancy...then with all the hernias and my weak abdo wall I was told it would be too risky. So I looked into surrogacy as I am desperate to have a sibling for my child. Now it is complicated as I have a surrogate, however my clinic is now questioning whether my condition is risky enough for me to consider surrogacy...I am sooooooo confused!! My surgeon is on the fence and won't commit to saying yay or nay. I would LOVE to have this pregnancy myself if it is safe to do so. Has anyone here had many issues previously with hernia's etc and had a good pregnancy. I have no issue with a c-section if required. I just don't want to put myself or my daughter through harrowing times again in intensive care and close to death. I am just so confused. If anyone can offer their stories or suggestions I would be most appreciative!
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I think you really just need to weigh the risks and consider what you are willing to put your body through. If you are still prone to all these issues, they are not likely to go away during pregnancy. Obstructions and such are hard enough to deal with when you aren't pregnant. If you've been free of these issues for a year or so, then it looks a lot more optimistic for you. No surgeon wants to put a pregnant women under anesthesia for a hernia repair. I don't have any experience with hernias or weakened abdominal walls so hopefully someone can chime in! Personally, I really wanted to have another baby so decided to go forward with it even though I was dealing with some issues. I completely understand how much it means to carry a baby, but it also sounds like you have quite a nice situation with someone willing to carry the baby for you. Very tough decision for of luck in your process whatever way it goes for you!
Thanks so much for your advice. It is so hard when the surgeon knows it is very risky - however he is hesitant to write anything down due to the legal risks this may is so sad that the legals is what scares them. Thanks so much for replying. My GP and other doctors have said surrogacy all the way as it is an available option for me. It is just the clinic who are a bit on the fence about how critical it is. Here in Australia you can only do surrogacy if it is life threatening to you or your child to sustain a pregnancy - so deciding whether it is or isn't for the clinic is difficult when the surgeon won't commit to an answer. Anyway, thanks so much for your help.

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