Hi everyone,
I am very excited to have found this support group!! Without boring everyone to tears with my journey so far...I currently have an ileostomy, have had my jpouch formed and I am having my reversal of the ileostomy this week. The whole process has taken 4 years due to the multiple complications I have had in between mainly due to severe hernia's, obstructions, adhesions, collections and abscesses...it has been a LONG and very difficult journey - about 12 surgeries so far and over 30 hospitalisations. Now initially I was told I could have another pregnancy...then with all the hernias and my weak abdo wall I was told it would be too risky. So I looked into surrogacy as I am desperate to have a sibling for my child. Now it is complicated as I have a surrogate, however my clinic is now questioning whether my condition is risky enough for me to consider surrogacy...I am sooooooo confused!! My surgeon is on the fence and won't commit to saying yay or nay. I would LOVE to have this pregnancy myself if it is safe to do so. Has anyone here had many issues previously with hernia's etc and had a good pregnancy. I have no issue with a c-section if required. I just don't want to put myself or my daughter through harrowing times again in intensive care and close to death. I am just so confused. If anyone can offer their stories or suggestions I would be most appreciative!
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