I don't think they would do a j-pouch during pregnancy. Even a colectomy would be only on an emergency basis, I believe. From what I've read, what they do is a diverting ileostomy to tide you over until you are ready to deliver. If it is safe or the colon really needs to go, they will do a total or subtotal colectomy. But, the j-pouch construction absolutely would not happen until after delivery. They leave the rectum intact so the j-pouch is possible later. The reasons are many, but mostly it is because of the time needed under anesthesia and the amount of manipulation of the abdomen needed. Not to mention the stress of delivery on a newly constructed j-pouch.
I could not find much in the literature but there is this article. Please note, all deaths were many decades ago, and techniques have improved greatly since then.
https://www.ecco-ibd.eu/public...uring-pregnancy.htmlGood luck!