Well, I've been having a lot of issues trying to raise my iron levels in my body. I've gone through 18 weeks of iron infusions and can't get my levels up past 10. My GI threw a battery of tests at me to try and see where the culprit may be. I've recently done an endoscopy/colonooscopy, a prometheus test again to rule out chrons, and a cat scan to check my small intestine. For my colonoscopy results, there is just a small 4 inch section on my left side that is riddled with large pseudopolyps. The rest of my colon is perfect including my rectum. There was some increased mucosa at my ileum which is why he wanted to check again about chrons. The pseudopolyps can't even be removed they are so big and there are A LOT of them. After my scopes, this was the first time my GI mentioned the word surgery to me. I meet with him on Wednesday to go over all of the pathology results and options moving forward. During my cat scan, they also discovered some sort of lesion on one of my kidneys. We did an ultrasound which didn't help so I'm going for an MRI later in the week. It's very hard for me to even think about surgery because I feel completely fine. Pretty normal BM's, no urgency and no cramps at all. My main issue is not getting my iron up so I get very winded quickly. I believe he's also worried about cancer risk with all the polyps due to not being able to determine the difference between normal polyps and the pseudo ones...there's that many in that small section of my colon. I know my sis had the J Pouch surgery 20 years ago and she's been fine ever since. She's telling me to go ahead and just do it and get it over with but it's extremely difficult to pull that trigger. I'm sure my GI will suggest that I go meet with the surgeon...funny enough, it's the same surgeon that did my sisters J Pouch 20 years ago. Stay tuned...
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