After 13 years with a jpouch, I am considering reversing it and moving back to a bag. I have too many accidents. If any of you are Vietnam vets like me, do you know if the vets will provide home services for changing the bag every 5 days or so? When I temporarily had a bag 13 years ago, my wife was able to help but her eyesight isn't as good now. In addition to VA coverage, we also have United Health Care which might be a fallback option. Sincere thanks if you have info.
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Your wife is a lovely woman!! A lot of wives would not have done that, I hear bad stories about marriages all the time involving an ostomy bag. You got lucky my friend
I would contact the social worker at the VA and ask him any questions. They are usually the ones that handle home health through the VA.
Thanks for your advice. You are correct about my lovely wife. She is amazing. We just celebrated 45 years of wedded bliss last month! Based on little or big things we do for each other, we keep adding years to our marital contract. Looks like we have added more years than we can possibly survive....somewhere around year 2525. Thanks again.
After 30 years with a J pouch, medical conditions made removal necessary. I strongly did not want a conventional ileostomy and opted to get a BCIR (very similar to a K pouch) which does not require having an external bag. It has provided me with a very good quality of life. You can Google these procedures to learn more about them. Please contact me by PM if you have any questions.
Thank you!
@BillV posted:After 30 years with a J pouch, medical conditions made removal necessary. I strongly did not want a conventional ileostomy and opted to get a BCIR (very similar to a K pouch) which does not require having an external bag. It has provided me with a very good quality of life. You can Google these procedures to learn more about them. Please contact me by PM if you have any questions.
What made your J-pouch fail???