Wanted some opinions. Do any of you use supplements or over the counter nutrition replacement/vitamins? I take a daily multivitamin but its important to remember we as ostomates/jpouchers are missing a vital organ. Also, in the case of UC, while the offender is gone after colectomy, we still have an autoimmune rheumatologic condition. Ever have those days where you feel great and then for like a week you feel like garbage for no apparent reason? I do. It seems there is not a lot of peer reviewed research on it.
I work in general surgery and while we push the nutrition side of healing, there is little time for long term health. Just wanted to see if anyone living daily with ostomy/pouch has found anything or a daily routine that has seemed to help them. One of my favorite parts of my job is saying to people postop or in follow up "forget what the books say, tell me YOUR STORY. what WORKS for you?" I still get that "im a 30 year old man who sleeps 8 hours a night, why the heck am I always so tired" feeling haha. I blame it on our silent rheumatalogic illness. Would love to hear the forums opinions/experience.
I had colectomy 6 years ago and have did fantastic. set up for step 2 for Jpouch creation in 9 days and excited/nervous ha.