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Hello all.

I had step one of a two step j pouch surgery 10 months ago due to 13 years of severe UC and then cell dysplasia. Haven't had my reversal due to work commitments and hating surgery.

Any way

I have a loop ileostomy and it has been great

At night I have not had any leakage at all until the past week. I have been leaking mucus in my sleep. During the day I have been having bad cramps/spasms with a severe urge to go. If I'm on the toilet when this happens I pass a lot of mucus. Otherwise if I miss the urge and try going 5 minutes later there is nothing. This is strange because previously I could just effortlessly pass mucus when I wanted. This is happening multiple times a day but I can hold it in. At night my body obviously can't. It is an intense urge so I see why

I have Been having a problem with anal strictures and have had 3 dialations. The most recent being about a month ago. Could a stricture be causing these spasms?

If Anyone has any insight as to why after 10 months I am suddenly getting these cramps/ spasms and night leakage it would be great. Now that this is happening is putting me off having my takedown and more and more I lean towards a permanent ileo

Thanks. Anthony
Original Post
Sounds like diversion pouchitis -- pouchitis that is caused by not having stool passing through the pouch. So, ironically, your takedown would (probably) make this better, not worse. Diversion pouchitis can happen to anyone who has a diverting ostomy, even people who don't have IBD.

Your surgeon can evaluate this -- they might want to do a scope to confirm, or try treating it first. Treatment would usually be rectal meds, like mesalamine suppositories, Cortifoam (steroid foam), etc.

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