Hello all.
I had step one of a two step j pouch surgery 10 months ago due to 13 years of severe UC and then cell dysplasia. Haven't had my reversal due to work commitments and hating surgery.
Any way
I have a loop ileostomy and it has been great
At night I have not had any leakage at all until the past week. I have been leaking mucus in my sleep. During the day I have been having bad cramps/spasms with a severe urge to go. If I'm on the toilet when this happens I pass a lot of mucus. Otherwise if I miss the urge and try going 5 minutes later there is nothing. This is strange because previously I could just effortlessly pass mucus when I wanted. This is happening multiple times a day but I can hold it in. At night my body obviously can't. It is an intense urge so I see why
I have Been having a problem with anal strictures and have had 3 dialations. The most recent being about a month ago. Could a stricture be causing these spasms?
If Anyone has any insight as to why after 10 months I am suddenly getting these cramps/ spasms and night leakage it would be great. Now that this is happening is putting me off having my takedown and more and more I lean towards a permanent ileo
Thanks. Anthony
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