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Hi all- views welcome please. Started cramping earlier today and now in agony, hard to describe pain... Comes in waves and has not improved one bit. I am frightfully bloated, nothing like the usual bit of bloating I get from time to time. I have not had a bowel movement since morning which is unheard of. Am sitting on loo to see if can release gas, no joy. Can only think of one dietary change and that is I ate an orange daily this week as a New Year / More Fresh Fruit resolution... Could this be the problem? If not better soon, I am thinking of ER as I have not felt pain so intolerable since my UC days. I previously posted to this website about gas... Would seriously welcome a shot of it now . I am drinking still water by the gallon to see if I can flush. Does anyone out there have any idea if this means infection? Or blockage? Adhesions? I've had 5 surgeries, last one 2009. Ditto on the oranges... Could this be the cause? I'll never eat one again after today... In bed here in Ireland, 3am and trying to massage tummy for some relief. All feedback/advice welcome and appreciated pls 

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I will guess that as you are bloating, have waves of severe pain and are not passing gas nor stool that you are indeed obstructed, blocked whatever you choose to call it. the waves of pain are the peristalsis getting stalled. the bloat confirms as does the lack of passing gas or stool. is it the fiber from the newly introduced habit of a daily orange. might be hard to say for sure.

when I find myself on the edge of obstruction. no more food. sip water, try to walk around, and attempt a self inversion, as close to a headstand as you can get, maybe lean upside against a wall. massage your belly one way and then the other. the purpose of all of this activity is to attempt to dislodge the obstruction. if you vomit and it doesn't paradoxically release the blockage, get thee to the A&E.

good luck. been there and it isn't fun.


Some people swear by white grape juice to help get an obstruction cleared, but often it just takes time. I'd be surprised if the oranges did it - more likely just bad luck. Are you having any output at all? I agree with the advice DeweyJ has offered. Go easy on yourself and make sure you're staying hydrated (you may not be able to get fluids to where they can be absorbed, so drinking more might not help). Emergency care can serve to keep you hydrated while you wait for it to clear, and can evaluate whether you need surgery. As DeweyJ said, vomiting is a bad sign.

Guys... Thank you so much for your responses during a very tough night. I kept the water into me and my husband gave me a large mug of decaf. No output at that stage so I took to walking around the house... This caused some gurgling and eventually I passed major gas/wind... (Scott- I'll never worry about noise again per my prior post!) eventually after 2 hrs I had what can only be described as a watery, explosive output...  When I had UC the doc described it as 'angry' which kind of suited! Now excruciating pain has subsided but still swollen as if 6 months pregnant and have a pain all across abdominal and pelvic area that is difficult to describe... Crampy but like as if I was injured/ kicked by a horse... Almost like a muscle sprain... Don't know if this is normal? Anyhow I don't really know what happened to me last night, but I really appreciate you both DeweyJ and Scott taking the time to offer advice. I'm new to this Forum so am delighted that I joined! Thanks again...

the bloat and distention forced your intestines to expand greater than normal. consequently although your distention may have dissipated you will still likely be sore, think a rubberband stretched too far, if the rubber band had feeling it would hurt too if over stretched for an extended period of time. that's most likely the pain you feel. that said, I would also be watchful that this wanes. if not definitely seek attention especially if you spike a fever as then you might have developed an abscess which must be treated. I would also suggest you remain very gentle on your guts until the pain is resolved. why fool with the angry intestinal gods? and most importantly I am glad that it has passed.

I have seen a variety of thoughts on here about obstructions, and my personal experience just suggests that a surfeit of fiber, nuts, seeds, skins, would all be risky propositions but others might disagree. given the mind bending pain that ensues from obstructions I do everything that I can to preclude them. mind you as I described somewhere on these pages I have also obstructed from inhaling (ie not really chewing and with great speed) a simple (and theoretical soft) egg bagel breakfast sandwich. so mind the speed at which you chew or don't chew as well.

and now you've got a bag of tricks to try if you ever encounter this again. which I sincerely hope you never do.

Hang in there - I agree with above posts.  Have had to go to hospital a few times, get the NG tube, and then miracle when I pass gas.  So glad you got to that point at home - hallelujah!  I think the above posts gave great advice regarding how to manage the next few days - if fever and/or pain don't calm down, I would call doctor.  But, yes, I was tender, etc. after I had obstructions.

Hello again, I type from my hospital bed having suffered another 'attack' on Tuesday night last. I was absolutely in AGONY... not trying to sound too dramatic with you, but I thought it was curtains. I was brought to ER by Ambulance and  seen almost straight away. I was given IV Buscopan for pain and soon after began vomiting the most vile/fecal like substance I ever saw in my life. I must have vomited buckets of the stuff. Today I got an NG Tube fitted... Possibly the worst sensation ever, still think I'm going to choke 12 hrs later. Cat Scan today revealed  adhesions and the surgeon will decide at noon tomorrow if he will operate. I've heard people say it should be a last resort, but I would be terrified to just go home with some meds and risk this happening again... It was pretty scary on Tuesday and frightened life out of all the family. What's your view re Surgery to tidy up adhesions?

So sorry about this.  Yes, this happened to me.  Extreme pain and vomiting; just awful. The ng tube didn't bother me- I hope they are giving you some pain meds and sleeping meds.  My experience was great when they got in there and fixed adhesions - I actually wish I had done it a lot sooner.  I know they use something new (Jan or someone else may know what it is) which helped new adhesions not to form in the same places.  I forget what it was.  Didn't like going through it - do not regret the end results.  Hang in there and ask a lot of sorry it scared you and your family. I know that feeling - it is awful.  I am hoping your surgeon is really good and please ask about what they can do to help adhesions not come back again.  Or, hopefully someone else on here will know what it is - it really did work for me the last time I had it done - and it had not worked in earlier years...

ouch! NG tube will eventually help, its undeniably uncomfortable but in some respects the more uncomfortable it is, the good news is the less uncomfortable your abdomen will be. don't know much about adhesion surgery but at least youre in the hospital and can be attended to. take it easy, it should be better soon.

Very sorry you are having to deal with this. I can relate, some of the worst pain ever.  I've had surgery to "tidy. Up" (love this phrase!) adhesions three times now.  The surgery isn't fun but far preferable to the pain and agony being obstructed.  I have my pouch since 1986 and have no other issues with it, so far.  I had never heard of the adhesion barriers before, interesting.  My thoughts are with you, glad you are getting some relief

Yeah I think dying would be a lot less painful and a whole lot easier.

I had a strangulated adhesion 10 years ago and my surgeon said he used Seprafilm during the surgery. I had a scan last week and it showed no signs of adhesions so I'm guessing it helps.

My surgery was an emergency but I'm glad I had it now and if my surgeon tells me I have adhesions in the future I'll have the surgery again in a heartbeat to avoid the agony of a total blockage. 

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