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My Dr. wants me to go on Entivio to treat my Pouchitis as my pouch is in constant ulceration and he is worried about me losing it.  Have many of you had success treating pouchitis with Entivio?  He said that there are not a lot of studies out there for treating Pouchitis with Entivio and Stelara.  And is there a preference between Stelara and Entivio if there are successes?  Thank you in advance.

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Yea I tried Humira and Remicade when I had my colon and was battling UC and neither worked for the UC.  Man, one of the reasons I had my colon removed was so I would not be on one of these strong medicines and now here I am.  I also have been getting blockages once a year right below where my temp stoma was. In November they did a big surgery and cut out about 10" of my small intestine to rid the scar tissue that they thought was closing (the surgeon did it twice at the time of the surgery because she did not like the looks of it after she was almost done and so she redid it again).  And then in July I had 3 blockages.  So dealing with two issues, one up high with the closing intestine and then my pouch being ulcerated.  Lots of fun.  Thanks for the responses and I am open to hearing from more of you.  Thanks so much!


I left a post on What Advice do you need? You can read my background info.

It was recommended to start infusion of Stelara and canceled my infusioin appointment due to fear and doubt yesterday. Thinking that reverse surgery may be healthier , with my 24 yr. old j pouch , the risks of this drug are far too scary.  I would appreciate your experience with stelara, have not connected with anyone who has taken it? 

Thank you so much,


Hi..I was on entyvio 2 yrs. Every 4 weeks treatments.  After 2 yrs..quit working.  (J pouch 34 yrs). Suffered with pouch ulcers, blockages, pouchitis,  complete raw rectum) etc..Dr now wants to start stelara this Thursday! Went to surgeon for 2nd opinion to remove j pouch & ho perm ileostomy & he agreed but said he would support my decision to go the stelara route. However,  he did feel it wouldn't work cause pouch is in an ischemic state also. So I am trying stelara for. Scared but going to try. I wish you the best also!

Hi Member

In response, I appreciate you sharing your history with j pouch for 34 years and so hopeful .   I also appreciate your support and thank you so much for sending this message. It means so much when there are selective souls reaching out with so many choices to make that are critical to share our similar stories.

I wish you a hopeful outcome with your  Stelara route and it would be good to keep in touch with our experiences.

Many thanks,


Hi Sheila..its been a struggle for the last 12 yrs. From c diff to pouch ulcers & then my dr shen leaving Cleveland clinic.  Starting all over eith new team of Drs is hard. Just had tea with a friend this a.m. she gave me a ? To ponder. " are you ( meaning me) just trying to buy time & avoiding the fact that " eventually " your j pouch is failing & you will have the surgery "?.. of course..I am!!! I've been struggling with this decision to go on another biological drug..especially since it's side effects are more extreme than entyvio for a cancer patient..but I promised myself if this stelara doesn't work..I will have the surgery.

I wish you too all the best.

Yes, I have an appointment to discuss with my surgeon, the future if surgery is needed and the Stelara does not work well, with remission or unable to tolerate it. it seems we are both on the same page.  I plan to start the infusion some time soon beginning in early November.  Thanks for your response, and will get back with my experience as I can.  Sheila

I was on Stelara for almost two years (J-pouch - 1995) and just stopped two months ago.  Not sure on how well it worked.  My pouch was scoped 30 days ago and it showed some pouchitis.  So I stopped.  I know I only paid $5 per injection every 8 weeks but the cost billed to my insurance for that drug was outrageous!!! After speaking to my GI and it  wasn’t doing what it was supposed to do 100%,  I said no more.  Side effects were not worth the risk after all that time.

Thank you Hazel for your experience  with Stelara.

Have not started the Stelara . Knowing you had side effects it is good you stopped.  I had my pouch since 1998, glad to know you have had a lasting

j pouch .   I now have Crohn's and gastro doctor recommends to keep inflammation from spreading, Stelara may help with remission.  What were your side effects if you don't mind sharing?

I just had an excellent appointment on line with my Nutritionist , with Ph.d who is an authority with inflammation.  She has recommended a list of supplements and also guided me over the years on Fod map diet.  I have cut out dairy products, no red meat and keep a simple diet of grains, protein and green vegetables most organic.(. also a food journal. )

Keeping active with exercise and good sleep practices have been my motto.  Thank you for your response, if I can be of any help please don't hesitate , Hazel.



Hang in there !! I tried Entyvio with no success. My Doc has put me on Rinvoq. Suggest it to your doc. I have had chronic pouchitis right off the rip. Thankfully, no ulcers(yet anyway.) However, my pouch is enlongated and there is massive bacteria buildup. Lots of swelling, pain. I also take 250mg x2 per day of Cipro. Every three weeks take a three day regimen of Flagyl. I hope this helps. I hope this helps anyone reading this ! Keep good thought !! Answers are out there !


Just following this thread and wanted to see how it all worked out. I have chronic pouchitis and live in Australia and have tried Entyvio with not luck. Cipro worked for a few years but n not working anymore and I am on Augmention with some relief but Dr is recommending to add Rinvoq to see if it will help. Side effects for this one sound like a No for me, what’s everyone’s opinion or experience with this one? I also can see if Stelara is available? 1988 year old pouch here from USA!

Hello ALL Pouch Members

What a privilege  to have the pouch this long in time and began Stelera last June.

In 2025, March 5 will determine if it is doing the work with a pouchoscopy.  I changed

physicians and has made a positive difference, with better care all around.  I live in

Penna. and go to a teaching hospital which makes a big difference as well.

The injections are self administered but insurance is overly charged far too much and

would try to fight pricing but know how to begin.  I all a hearty new year of exploration and and extreme good health care, Sheila

@Indiana posted:

Thanks mate, I forgot to mention I did try flagyl and it was not good, lots of side effects made it too unbearable like headache and I lost appetite and weight accordingly due to metallic tastes. I’ve read some people use it in a suppository without those effects?

The Flagyl suppositories are designed for vaginal use. I don’t know how well they work if applied elsewhere. Side effects are often very dose related. If your bad reaction to Flagyl was on a fairly high dose it might be worth trying a minimal dose to see if it works without those side effects.

I was on Entyvio for around a year. Since like 2022 my doc put me on Rinvoq. 🤞luckily, with Rinvoq / cipro dailey/ 3 week rotation of Flagyl for three days. I have been doing  very well. Beating back the pouchitis. My blood work looks great. Still have to take care of yourself. Diet all that stuff. Numbers are looking good. Rinvoq can at times make one more susceptible to things like flu, Nora virus, of your older like me shingles, that kind of stuff.. these can also hit a person a little harder. Still highly recommend it. Abbvie, the pharmaceutical company will work with you and insurance to get it for free. My life has switched almost completely. I feel good. My weight is good….. talk it over with your doc !! Until again…. Everyone keep up the good fight. Don’t give up ! It will get better !


Yeah, side effects are something I am always concerned about. Like I am just getting over back to back illnesses. Flu for about a week and this stomach bug going around for about another week. With a day or two pause in between. Hit me real hard !! Both of them. Debating Prevnar 20….. This year is particularly more difficult for some reason……. Keep good thought ! Till a later time… Keep pushing foreword ! Don’t let it win. You’ll figure it out. They are doing amazing things these days….. peace and health.


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