I have this done often (actually too often like every 3/6 months over last few years). I am always sedated as they cannot enter the anastomosis easily without sedation for me (opening is about 1 centimeter). I am actually considering having minor surgery where the surgeon either places several small slits in the anastomosis or cuts out the scar tissue around the sides and lower part of anastomosis and restaples the pouch. The second approach really scares me as I worry about possible fistulas or other things that could occur.
I have been having a lot of issues with very painful fissures due to my stricture at the anastomosis and I can never fully empty my pouch. At times, I have been resorting to warm water enemas to help empty the pouch and I am amazed at how much better I feel with a fully emptied pouch. I actually only got up once last night which is a real change for me. There has to be a better way!