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So when i go to the bathroom there are days where its easy enough to go, just last night it was awesome enough that i wanted to share it with someone! but then there are other times where its hard to go, even painful! and only a little will come out... so a stricture..if you have one does it always have the same outcome in the bathroom or does it let up and then go away then come back kinda thing? I have an appointment coming up and if its a stricture that i have i am NOT getting dilated without some type of sedation...last time she really hurt me if what she did was a dilation..
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A stricture is always there, but if your stool is loose, you can have a BM pretty easy. It all depends on how tight the stricture is. If the digital exam is very painful, you either have a stricture or a fissure. They are two completely different things. You can also have both. But, a fissure would be painful with each BM, unless it was mostly healed and you tore it open with a hard BM or straining.

So, it sounds like you definitely have something going on in your anus and it has been there since at least your last exam. Can you contact your doctor before your next appointment and tell her your emptying problems? I am thinking that if she knows about this in advance, she can set you up for some sedation. If this is not set up in advance, it might be a wasted trip, if she cannot examine you.

Jan Smiler
When I went in to be checked for a stricture my surgeon didn't even ask me if I wanted sedation. He just went right on in and dilated me and OMG did that hurt. I think they had to peel me off the ceiling. And I have a high pain tolerance. I had a few more in office dilations after that initial one and they didn't hurt half as much. So yes, definatley see if you have a choice to be put out!

The difficulty emptying can definately vary with a stricture. Like Jan pointed out if your stool is very liquid, it will come out easier than if its thick. I had to go five times to be dilated before it finally stayed open. No issues since then. Good luck!

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