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I'm 8 months past my jpouch surgery due to fap.  All is going very well except that I find that sometimes my stomach goes into overdrive and I feel very naucious. I get severe diarrhea. This lasts for about an hour or two until I've voided everything in my entire stomach and intestinal path including my stomach bile. This happens from once a day to once a week.  No rhyme or reason. I try to take Imodium the minute I feel it's coming on. This does seem to help but I don't always catch it in time. Anyone have any tips to stop this from happening?

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Not sure what is causing it or what it could be. 

Have you kept a food diary? Not just what you are eating but the associations with fluids (water, juice, coffee, wine, sodas...) as well as meds and the time of day that things happen whether or not it happens on days that you have had full night's sleep or not and your stress levels.

Everything can influence your digestive tract. Everything including periods, hormones, exercises (walking long periods or time, running or any prolonged activity can make things run).

You may need to track it for a week to a month but in the end, you may find a pattern (maybe).


What do you do before you go to bed and once you are in it? (no, I am not getting personal here but...)

Do you have a midnight snack? Do you drink a glass of water? Take meds? Do you get up at night to empty your pouch? 

(what I am about to say is not a 'true science' but a nutritional science that is supported by some and not believed by others. It has worked for me, helped to explain many phenomena in my body and pouch and allowed me some level of freedom and was popularized by the book Fit for life...) 

The human body has 3 natural cycles: Elimination, procuration and digestion. Each cycle is +/- an 8hr cycle (all 3 cycles can overlap and take place simultaneously so do not fear). 

The 1st is Elimination. Usually from the middle of the night to around noon. That is when your body is supposed to dispose of all of its toxins naturally...meaning you sweat (in your sleep), exhale toxins from your lungs, pee and poop. Some people's bodies are more effective than others. During Elimination you are supposed to help your body to eliminate and not block it up. They suggest that you stick to water and juice. This allows your body to feel light, alert and energetic.

The Procuration cycle is when you are supposed to eat. From noon til 8pm (dinner time) you are supposed to eat your meals, not mix your proteins and carbs or eat fruits after meals and avoid dairy products. They suggest that you eat fruits up to 1/2hr before meals or at breakfast or for snacks.  You are not supposed to eat after dinner or during the night (you can drink fluids but not milk).

The Assimilation cycle is when your body is supposed to use or profit from what it has eaten. Digestion is supposed to be privileged here. This is when you leave your digestive tract in peace to do its job.

Apparently, this works. Not for everyone but for some of us. It is supposed to help reduce bloating, diarrhea, gas, nausea and cramps. It is supposed to ease digestion and make you sleep better and have less joint pain etc.  

I did it for 20+ years. I still do to some extent (just not enough). It set my digestive system right. It allowed me to stop the cycle of diarrhea, dehydration and exhaustion...

You may wish to try it and see if you can reset your cycle this way. You seem to be 'over eliminating' in the mornings which usually indicates something that you did or did not do the night before.

But then again it could also be related to blood sugar or any or a dozen other problems but it is worth the try.



Thank you both for your comments.  I don't think it's related to hydration as it happens either way. I usually don't have a late night snack and don't take meds and usually don't have a glass of water unless I'm particularly thirsty. Most nights I void my pouch at least twice but sometimes I don't.  I'll pay more attention to your fit for life comments. Over eliminating is a good way to put it as this is what it's like. I feel very naucious when this happens. The best way I've managed diahreah is by separating liquids and solids. I'm normally a very healthy person except for my fap cancer diagnosis which was a shock to everyone that knows me. I have never ever had any stomach or intestinal issues before this which makes it so strange. Shocked that the colon affects the stomach as naive as that may sound. I'll have to start a diary and see where that leads. Have you ever heard of anyone else with this problem?

My best friend and her daughter (who are perfectly healthy) get this every morning. For them it is hypoglycemia. If their blood sugar drops (and it always does by morning) they get nausea. If they do not feed their bodies every 4 hours (impossible when sleeping) they wake up running to the bathroom, transiting bile, and generally emptying everything out.

Small protein meals every 4 hrs help them including a midnight snack. 

This could also be gallbladder. It can cause all of these symptoms. Do you still have yours? Are you by some chance having shoulder pain or pain between the shoulder blades? Both can be signs of gallbladder. 



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