Am home 1 week post op. First day/night went fine. Had two leaks last night; almost lost it. At second change noticed that the skin underneath the stoma looked a bit red & rashy. I cleaned and dried it very carefully before putting on the new appliance. Measured everything carefully; pretty sure I got a good fit.
But now the itching is driving me smack. out. of. my. mind. There is a bit of a burning feel as well. I am obsessively checking, but there is no sign of a leak. Please help! Is this totally normal (I can't remember!!!!!) and will lessen over time or am I in trouble?
I live over an hour away from the hospital and the powers that be decided, in their infinite wisdom, that I didn't need home care because this is my fifth stoma. Never mind that the last one was over three years ago and while I feel generally competent I have forgotten many things! I know the drill here: call the huisarts (GP), have him scratch his head and send me to the clinic which will (if they are not busy) call in a stoma nurse (who may or may not treat me as I am technically registered at the other hospital for the first 6 weeks) OR send me to the other hospital for which I have no transportation until Wednesday.
Is this a bad sign? Is there something I can do to alleviate it? I am going crazy and I am so worried that I have made yet again another big mistake by having this surgery done and, God help me, I really need a win right now.