My daughter was diagnosed with UC when she was 7 years old. She was doing well on meds but after two years nothing seem to help she had her colon removed and on December 2014 age 10 had surgery for the J-pouch right away she feel better and is doing well but she is still waking up at night and having accidents she was recently placed on the VSL#3Ds. I would like to know if there is anything else that I could do for her to help her not have so many accidents at night and get a good night sleep.
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You may be doing other things you haven't mentioned, but here are some things that *sometimes* help:
1) Kegels. Is she doing them every day? Strengthening the sphincter during the day can increase muscle tone at night.
2) Soluble fiber (e.g. Metamucil, Citrucel, Benefiber) with dinner. For some folks this acts like glue. For others, not so much.
3) Empty fully at bedtime. Sometimes going twice works best.
4) A small portion of fatty food at bedtime (e.g. peanut butter). Works for some, not all.
5) Imodium or Lomotil at bedtime. Lomotil works better for me, others prefer Imodium.
6) Does she have pouchitis? Nighttime issues are my best signal that pouchitis isn't properly controlled. If it's pouchitis, a course of Cipro or Flagyl might be magical.
Good luck!
My son was the same age with j pouch, and very slowly reduced accidents/leakage over about 18 months. We got up to 12 immodium per day (3 pills 4x per day), with no ill effects. You can get piles of it cheaply online in generics. He also did well with probiotics, and the VSL is supposed to be the best for that. We made pullups part of our normal life, and he doesn't seem to have ill effects from that. He functions normally now (4 years later), with very occasional accidents.
Thank you Scott and Aragón she is also on Imodium and Benefiber I'm going to increase the amount of Imodium. Right now she takes one in the morning, afternoon, and, evening then two at night. Hopefully this will help her she recently had a doctors visit and they but her on Flagyl and then the VSL#3DS Three time a day. Also I did a type o her surgery was on October 2014 not December. Thank you once again.
Have you tried any experiments with diet? I swear my pouch loves me and I sleep best whenever I get one of those bbq chickens from cosco or wherever, nibble on that for dinner with a veggie side or potatoes of some sort. No wheat, no dairy, hey give it a shot one night and see how she sleeps, it can do no harm. =)
I am sure those on a more paleo type diet have less cases of pouchitis and over all better pouch health as it seems excess carbs really do fuel bad bacteria in us and we're in a constant good vs bad bacteria fight!
Also Im just wondering if possibly some of the accidents are caused by passing gas at night? As I did have some really bad gas that gave me urgency, mostly laying in bed that seems to have passed since stepping away from wheat and dairy and most sugars.