I am new to this site. I just had my takedown surgery 3 weeks ago and am still struggling to get my bowels under control. I take Metamucil before or after every meal and that has helped with what I call the "battery acid" dumping. But it seems like I go between too thick and too watery, and watery is still painful! I also had a lot of tenesmus and urgency the week after my surgery so my surgeon put me on Cipro, Flagyl, and steroid suppositories to try to calm things down. I think it really helped but I am 2 days off the antibiotics now and the urgency is back. Is this really pouchitis this soon or is this just the normal post-op course of my pouch?
When I do get my stools thicker, I seem to not be able to empty completely. I will spend 10-15 minutes on the toilet, and be back every 10 min for an hour or two. Any suggestions on how to completely empty?
I am also trying to figure out more things to eat as bland gets old fast. I have avoided red sauce and spicy but had a piece of garlic cheese bread today. Is garlic painful on the way out cuz I am having a rough afternoon....
Thanks for anyones input. This recovery seems to be a lot worse than I anticipated. I sailed through my first and second surgeries but this one has been super tough.