I was wondering if it's a case or you experienced the same.
I remember that when I had my colon diseased (the whole pre-colectomy time), my doctor pushed where I had the colon, and it hurted much. It told that the colon was diseased, the pain was obvious. There were a small pain on the whole abdomen, something like it was inflamed, not as much as where the doctor pushed but it wasn't definitely no hurting area.
Now that I have not the colon anymore, the big pain when pushed that zone disappeared, but still I experienced something like it's a bit inflamed all over what under the skin is. I can't locate exactly where is it, but I suppose it's the peritoneum, as I remember that in the ecography they wrote I had signs of "perivisceritis";
I still have this after j-pouch build, do you think this is chronic, or in time it will disappear? Or it could be a bad sign of future pouchitis?
Are you totally hurt free after colectomy when you push?
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