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I was wondering if it's a case or you experienced the same.
I remember that when I had my colon diseased (the whole pre-colectomy time), my doctor pushed where I had the colon, and it hurted much. It told that the colon was diseased, the pain was obvious. There were a small pain on the whole abdomen, something like it was inflamed, not as much as where the doctor pushed but it wasn't definitely no hurting area.
Now that I have not the colon anymore, the big pain when pushed that zone disappeared, but still I experienced something like it's a bit inflamed all over what under the skin is. I can't locate exactly where is it, but I suppose it's the peritoneum, as I remember that in the ecography they wrote I had signs of "perivisceritis";
I still have this after j-pouch build, do you think this is chronic, or in time it will disappear? Or it could be a bad sign of future pouchitis?
Are you totally hurt free after colectomy when you push?
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Are you talking about peritonitis? This is ageneralized inflammation of the abdomen, usually caused by bacteria leaking into the abdomen, such as when you have a perforated bowel. Sometimes there is unavoidable spillage during surgery. They try to flush it all out, but it can be hidden, later causing infection.

The worst thing is that peritonitis is a leading cause of problematic adhesions (internal scar tissue). Not much you can about it other than hope these adhesions relax over time. Often they do.

It is probably a good idea to ask these questions of your surgeon.

Jan Smiler
I forgot I asked this question...
Well no, luckily I never had peritonitis;
there's a sort of inflamation called perivisceritis (google it) which I was found to have according my latest ecography six months ago.
However it's probably a marginal problem, I don't have issues apart I find some pain where I push (where there were the colon above all) Smiler

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