Depends on the pain, Caroline.
I have a site that is my old colostomy site (even though I no longer have a colon) and somewhere around there I get sharp pains...when I have a blockage I know that that is the site (middle left side) and I massage it, do whatever I can to prevent it from getting worse and get onto a clear liquid diet and add heat...and jump up and down a lot

...but it is my sore spot/danger spot...even when the blockage passes it is occasionally is probably a spot where there is either an adhesion or a thickening of the intestine or a partial twist....most times I am fine but there can be periods of time when it is relatively constant..
I do not play around with sharp pain though...if you have any severe pains, fever, nausea accompaning the pain or fever...go to ER.
And call your doctor or surgeon.Make sure that the ER that you frequent has your medical records too. If not take them in on a data key.