Kristenj - All the questions and anxiety is totally normal. I remember just having so many unknowns as I started IVF and through the process. But tried to always remember why I was doing it and feeling so excited of the possibility of having a child. My biggest fear after my jpouch surgery was that I wouldn't be able to have a child. I'm happy to report I had my son three years ago and now I'm pregnant with twins!!
I also had scar tissue, it caused fluid in my fallopean tubes. The plan I set up with my doctor for the first time around in 2011 was that we would try one round and if it didn't work they would take out the fallopean tubes (because the fluid could get in and not allow the embryos to implant). We got lucky on our first try and had my son. I did have some complication after the c-section. My bowels took some time to wake up from anestesia, and the nurses were getting me to eat so it caused an ileus. I stayed in the hosptial a week and it resolved on its own with an NG Tube. My doctors plan for next time is to not push me on the eating and keep me on an IV longer to give it time. I'm hopeful that will work.
This second time it took four rounds of IVF to get pregnant. The doctor ended up taking out my fallopean tubes to increase my chances.
Regarding the stimulation, the egg retrieval and transfer. My doctors and nurses monitored everything really carefully, there was a time I had to go in every other day to check to make sure all looked good and to make sure they had the right timing for the retrieval. The retrieval was easy because they knocked me out! Then just having to take it easy for a few days later. The transfer was also pretty simple in that they just put them in - usually takes 10 minutes. I do recomend taking it easy the next couple days. I was told to return to normal activity but each time I didn't get pregnant I kept thinking it was because I did too much following the transfer. I'm sure it was in my head but it is easier not to have doubts about something you did.
Through it all I just had to take it one day at a time. The shots become a pain in the butt (literally) But I had to keep my eye on the prize. The important part is making sure you find a good IVF team to work with. I've known people that have switched after a round or two because they felt their team wasn't being agressive enough and they weren't getting preganant.
Best of Luck and feel free to reach out with any questions!