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Just curious if any of you on here have gone this route?  I am still working which I know does not help but at this point Skyrizi is the last biologic I think I am willing to try.  I am not horribly sick right now (unless you ask my wife) but at 60 y/o the lack of energy, the pains everywhere that constantly change, osteoporosis, arthritis from steriods and constant discomforts at different levels have worn me down.  I may just be used to it.  I have been worse but not mentally and physically together, I am just out of energy and stamina and getting up to go to work just plain sucks now. But gotta pay the bills, hence lies the problem, as long as I am working they probably will not give it to me but to stop and risk losing everything I have worked for is far worse.

My doctor told me they would support me 100% so that may help.  I am not a quitter so this really bothers me but being forced to retire at 62 with WAY less income may be even worse, that is if my health keeps deteriorating.   I plan on retiring at 65 but I am not sure I will be able to continue unless I work myself to the end.  What a retirment plan!

Just tired of fighting this disease when, if I had time I could eat better, excercise and relax (like sleep!). I feel like that would really help me a lot right now.

Any advice is appreciated.

Best Regards,


Original Post

I went down this route in 2014, took me 2 years to get approved. Of course you cannot be working when you apply. At the time when I left work my doctors didn’t know how to help me any longer and I was literally in the bathroom 24/7. The only thing that seemed to work was Vicodin which helps slow down my system but I couldn’t function while taking it. I also have terrible panic attacks. Have much better doctors now!
I was denied the first go round then had to appeal it with a lawyer and won.
But now with this new administration who knows what’s going to happen with Social Security.
I wish you all the best and hope you get approved!

Last edited by ytcrockpot

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