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There is no one easy solution. Since you are quite remote from any surgery, this is not your standard paralytic ileus. I suppose they have checked your hydration and electrolyte levels to rule them out as contributing factors? How about opiates or derivatives like lomotil or Imodium? They can be a problem and some are more sensitive to them than others.

You can try Googling intestinal pseudo obstruction, as this sounds like what you have. One time is not a problem, but if this is a recurring event, you may need to see a specialist in gastrointestinal motility disorders. It is possible that there is nerve damage to that segment of intestine. But, first, get the easy stuff ruled out. Hope it is not complicated for you.

Jan Smiler
I recently had a twelve day stay in hospital because of obstruction/blockage. Every time I introduced a puree or solids they went down and then within a couple of days everything came up. I had CT scan w/barium and then a few other tests while in hospital. Blockage was seen and then later in the stay the intestine was just dilated. I never passed any gas but had some passing of feces towards the end of my stay (not the usual emptying out of my j pouch). I did a lot of walking in hospital and stairway (when not hooked up to IV) to see if that would wake my body up. Got home on day 13 and started to vomit again. Put a call into surgeon to let him know I was not going back to hospital and tried everything at home. Day 14 is when the intestine woke up and serious pain throughout the day and j pouch emptying out the way it was suppose to.

Since that episode four weeks ago; I have found I can eat only two meals a day. I also find I need to walk a lot more to get things moving. If the discomfort comes back I just get up and walk. I do not take any thing to slow me down or pain meds. It just came out of nowhere! Not sure why this happened as of yet. Surgeon wants to scope me but I want my body to be alone for a few months and just heal. I hope this helps you! It is all new for me right now.

Good luck!

davinci proctocolectomy w/j pouch 2/2012
takedown 4/2012
obstruction/blockage 3/2014
First, could it be narcotics? If you're on pain meds that could cause the issue.

Like Jan said, you are too far out from any surgery to have a surgery related ileus.

I have chronic intestinal pseudo obstruction or small bowel dysmotility. This means my body acts like I have a physical blockage (pain, distension, nausea, sometimes vomiting) when there is no physical blockage present.

If you have any questions feel free to contact me.

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