Posted October 18, 2012 11:47 AM Hide Post
I have the same pain around my stoma. It was diagnosed as a skin condition called Pyoderma. It is extremely painful. Causes ulcers on the skin. My treatment was injections of steroids, Hydrocortisone I think, directly into the effected area, and special dressings on the ulcers before I apply the wafer. The dressings are called Aquacel. It looks like cotton. I put that over the ulcers, cover them with a thin duoderm, then place my wafer with a ring of paste around the opening on the top. It has been working fantastic. A bit of work involved, but I am healing very well, and it reduces the pain. I can keep a wafer on for 3-4 days if I choose to with no leaking. Hope you are doing better.
What does that look like? I have a spot right against my stoma that started out as raw, red skin, then started bleeding, and now it looks sort of white. The wax and paste keeps wearing away there, so it keeps getting worse and more painful. I was wondering if it was something like that or just irritation.