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I have a question on what is the approximate size of the j pouch? what can you compare it too in size? softball etc.?

Also I am 6 foot 4 inches, stupid question...since my overall size is bigger is my j pouch bigger than the average person..i eat alot more than the average person because of size so in theory is my number of bathroom trips naturally elevated compared to others. I need help explaining to doctors at VA who are completely clueless to the whole thing.

Thanks for any help would be greatly appreciated 

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Hi Chad, 

What is the average size...Well, there sort of isn't one, not exactly.

Your pouch is built out of a certain length of the beginning, it is rather small but as time goes by and you can 'hold it' longer you 'grow' your pouch.

The longer you can hold it, the larger it can become (within certain limits)...most often, it holds about 1litre (1 quart) of content plus gas +/-.

If you are larger than the average bear (sorry, Yoggi bear humor) then you will 'grow' your pouch accordingly. According to how much you eat, how often you empty etc.

Whenever I am 'pouch-sick' and have to go off of solids for an extended period of time or have had surgery, my pouch shrinks to about 300ml or just about 1.1 pints. 

It takes me about 4-6 weeks to re-stretch it a bit. Up to 6 months for it to reach its size of maturity.

Evidently, you can, within reason, control the size of it by either eating less or emptying more often. 

I understand the problem of having a large appetite but maybe you could eat smaller meals a little more often.



I asked my surgeon immediately after the op.  He told  me I was 330ml capacity, and that they normally aim for around 300 to 350 ml or so.

The reason they use this size is it the average capacity of a rectum (which was obviously removed during the op).

I'm not saying it won't stretch mind you, but I'm my experience it doesn't stretch much (without pain).


Generally it should be about the size of your fist, give or take, depending on how exactly yours was made. Being taller does not mean you would have a larger pouch. Perhaps the opposite is more likely. The pouch is made by folding of the terminal ileum. 6-12 inches is used, so that makes the pouch 3-6 inches long. Those who have a longer trunk (tall folks) and deep pelvis (men) might have trouble with the mesenteric blood supply reaching to the anus. Making a longer pouch actually shortens the reach. 

Also, remember, the j-pouch replaces the rectum (4-8 inches), NOT the colon (about 5 feet).

You are correct that the more you eat, the more output you will have. Hence, more frequency.


Jan Dollar posted:

Also, remember, the j-pouch replaces the rectum (4-8 inches), NOT the colon (about 5 feet).


My colon was completely removed years early and my J pouch created fairly recently.

I wouldn't say I eat a lot, I eat what my body requires for my size, otherwise, I'd be overweight.

My BMs tend to be 2 to 4 per day, sometimes 5 and rarely more than 5, never less than two per day.

Last edited by Former Member

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