I finally took my first 2 Simponi injections today. I followed the instructions closely and chose to inject them into my abdominal area about 1-2 inches from my belly button - one injection per side. The first one worked as I believe it should have. When injecting the second one, I heard the first click as I squeezed and then heard the second click just like my first injection. However, after the second click, I pulled the injector from my skin and a fair bit of fluid streamed out of the needle. Not sure why. There was also a little blood at the injection site after the second one. I then contacted the nurse with the drug company and she believes that maybe I did not get some of the medicine into my system. I told her I have no idea how much went into my system and how much didn't. She offered to get me another dose of Simponi but I am not sure what to do. At over $4,600 / shot, you want to make sure it gets into your bloodstream....
On another matter, I have been having a lot of strange "inflammation like" ailments over the past few months. The past 3 or 4 days, when I wake up in the morning and get up, the upper part of my right calf muscle is extremely painful when I walk. In fact, it causes me to walk with a painful limp. After a couple hours, it loosens up and the pain subsides.
This is a really strange thing. I don't think I injured it. Can anyone relate?